    Experimental analysis and theoretical simulation of throttle valve flow field
    Abstract: the main object of this paper is applied in the warm temperature control throttle valve, this topic is not related to temperature changes, only to study performance of the throttle valve, such as throttle valve of the flow resistance characteristics and flow field. Subject on the basis of existing through of throttle valve on the experimental results and the theoretical simulations are conducted to compare, verify the theoretical feasibility of, then in theory based on the throttle valve structure optimization, so as to improve the performance of the throttle valve, such as pressure drop and flow resistance characteristics of zeta. The experiment uses the orthogonal design method, while doing PIV experiment, in the throttle valve experiment, few people use PIV experiment, this is relatively new. The theoretical simulation is CFD simulation of three-dimensional fluid, and fluent simulation by ANSYS software. According to the previous paper can understand, the CFD simulation is common in the valve,but after reviewing the related literatures of a series of throttling valve and found no will combine the subject of experimental and theoretical simulation. The ultimate goal of this thesis is to optimize the structure of the throttle valve, improve the performance of the throttle valve, and optimize the structure of the main flow from the structure of the channel.
    Keywords: throttle valve;flow field;PIV;CFD;pressure drop; flow resistance characteristic 
    1绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景与意义    1
    1.2 文献综述    2
    1.2.1 节流阀阀芯优化设计    2
    1.2.2 节流阀流场分析与模拟    2
    1.2.3 PIV技术    3
    1.2.4 节流阀的国外研究进展    4
    1.2 课题陈述    4
    1.2.1 研究内容    4
    1.2.2 研究方案    5
    1.3 预期创新点    5
    2 节流阀流场实验方案    6
    2.1 实验目的    6
    2.2 实验设备    6
    2.3 实验内容    7
    2.3.1实验内容    7
    2.3.2实验方法    8
    2.4 PIV实验    8
    2.4.1 PIV实验原理与实验流程    9
    2.4.2 PIV实验系统    9
    2.4.3 PIV实验注意事项    9
    2.5实验步骤    10
    2.6实验注意事项    10
    2.7实验结果    10
    2.8 PIV实验失败原因    11
    3 节流阀理论模拟    12
    3.1流体动力学基础    12
    3.1.1流体动力学相关方程    12
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