
    摘要 经过本次的毕业设计,我将大学四年在课堂上所学的知识进行了一次重新梳理,成功地将理论知识转化为实际运用,并且在设计的过程中,了解了很多实际生产中会遇到的问题,在遇到这些问题的时候,自己独立分析实际情况,逐步地去解决这些问题,锻炼出了独立设计一个复杂机械零件的能力,并且也充分地掌握了夹具的设计方法和一些基本原理,与此同时,也在设计的过程中,自己查找手册和相关图标,掌握了这方面的查阅技能。68699



    毕业论文关键词  活塞,专用夹具,加工工艺,设计

    Processing Technology and Equipment Design of Piston Parts for Automobile Engine

    Abstract: After this graduation design, I will be four years in the school of knowledge learned in a re-combing, the success of theoretical knowledge into practical use, and in the design process, to understand a lot of real production will meet To the problem, in the face of these problems, their own independent analysis of the actual situation, and gradually to solve these problems, exercise a separate design of a complex mechanical parts of the ability, and also fully grasp the fixture design methods and some basic Principle, at the same time, also in the design process, find their own manual and related icons, mastered the access skills in this regard.

      The graduation design is to design a complete design of the engine engine piston parts and equipment design, the basic characteristics of the piston parts is that it is cast, and the parts are complex, the volume is relatively small, the processing characteristics of parts is a long time , And processing routes long, the cost is relatively high, its processing accuracy is relatively high. As the main processing of this part of the contents of the hole and the surface, and the surface is easier than the processing, in the preparation of the process line, the priority processing surface, and then the processing of the surface to locate the other processing sites.

    After the machining path of the part is determined, the fixture design of the piston part is started. According to the route previously designed, the number of degrees of freedom required for the fixture is analyzed in this process. According to some characteristics of the part itself To select the positioning element, and then consider whether the positioning element in the processing process must limit the degree of freedom, and then select the clamping element, analyze whether this meets the requirements of fixtures, fixture structure to determine the final.

    Key words:  Piston, the processing craft, unit clamp, design


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 本课题的研究意义与内容

  1. 上一篇:迷宫式降压调节阀的优化设计+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:用于汽车减振器装配的工业机器人系统设计+CAD图纸
  1. UG某型汽车零件结构刚度分析

  2. 汽车后桥横臂式悬挂系统设计+CAD图纸

  3. 发动机润滑油对汽车NVH性能的影响研究

  4. UG汽车遥控器下壳注塑模具设计+CAD图纸

  5. 单体液压支柱密封质量检测仪的设计+CAD图纸

  6. QCS014液压实验台的改造+CAD图纸+程序

  7. MATLAB某反后坐装置的优化设计

  8. 河岸冲刷和泥沙淤积的监测国内外研究现状

  9. 大众媒体对公共政策制定的影响

  10. 酸性水汽提装置总汽提塔设计+CAD图纸

  11. java+mysql车辆管理系统的设计+源代码

  12. 当代大学生慈善意识研究+文献综述

  13. 十二层带中心支撑钢结构...

  14. 乳业同业并购式全产业链...

  15. 电站锅炉暖风器设计任务书

  16. 杂拟谷盗体内共生菌沃尔...

  17. 中考体育项目与体育教学合理结合的研究




