    本文研究轻磨损DCMT 11T302-SM IC907型刀具的车削温度与进给速度、主轴转速和车削深度三者之间的关系。采用OS523E2系列手持式红外测温仪采集数据,通过数据分析得出如下结论:(1)在不同进给速度下,随着进给速度增加刀具温度随时间上升变化平稳。(2)在不同主轴转速下,随着主轴转速增加,刀具温度上升曲线会出现小幅波动,温度幅值增大,变化较快。(3)在不同切削深度下,主轴转速800r/min时随着切削深度增加温度随时间变化缓慢,随着主轴转速增加,切削深度越大刀具温度升高越快。但对比时间温度曲线可知,影响程度依次为:主轴转速>进给速度>切削深度。
    The Experimental Design of Light Wear Tool’s Turning Temperature Test
    [Abstract] Machining is an indispensable and important part in the modern industrial manufacturing technology. The heat energy produced in machining will cause mechanical deformation of cutting tools, lower the precision of the workpiece , and reduce the life of cutting tools. Therefore, it is of great significance to measure cutting tool's turning temperature and study its change rules.
    This paper studies the light wear DCMT 11T302-SM IC907 carbide blade cutting tool's turning temperature's relationship with feed speed, spindle speed and cutting depth. Through using OS523E2 series of hand-held infrared thermometer to collect and analysis data, the following conclusions are made: (1)Under different feed speed, cutting tool's temperature rises smoothly with the increase of feed speed. (2)Under different spindle speed, cutting tool's temperature rising curve will appear slight fluctuations with the increase of spindle speed. And if temperature amplitude increases, the fluctuation will change quickly. (3)Under different cutting depth, the temperature changes slowly over time with the increase of cutting depth in the spindle speed 800 r/min. Moreover, with the increase of spindle speed, the tool's temperature becomes greater if the cutting depth becomes deeper. But contrasting time-temperature curve, the influence degree is concluded: spindle speed > feed speed >cutting depth.
    [Keywords] light wear cutting tool; turning heat; cutting tool’s temperature; infrared thermometer
    本次毕业设计是在我院的数控加工实验室,采用数控机床CJK6136-MATE-360×570、以色列伊斯卡生产的DCMT 11T302-SM IC907型硬质合金涂层刀片、固定刀片的外圆车刀型号为(SCLCR2020M12APE),测量车削45mm铝棒时刀尖附近的温度变化,本实验采用三种实验方案,每组采集24组数据,针对每种实验方案下的数据进行分析、比较,进一步加深对车削热的产生的认识,整个试验过程锻炼了自己的动手、独立思考、分析的能力,同时也加强了自己的团队合作意识。
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