     [毕业论文关键词]:轴 轮胎 链轮 差速器 制动器
    YL25 type pneumatic tyre roller wheel system design
    [Abstract]:In recent years the development of traffic construction in our country grows ever faster, large tonnage tire roller compaction effect is more and more users get the recognition. YL25 type tire roller as China's current large tonnage tire rollers, has a vast market prospects and market demand. The roller can work to all roads. Foreign investment in the tyre roller technology is much higher than our country, it is also an important aspect of our country's calculation behind. But as the past few years the introduction of foreign advanced technology and products for tire roller development, making China the roller on the international market has a certain proportion.
    YL25 type tire roller is rear-wheel drive system which allows the rear wheel design is particularly important, this paper based on the information provided by the relevant literature occurred roller failures are learned enough strength of the shaft. Therefore, this paper on the strength of roller shaft for a new design, but also the choice of a new bearing and its life were checked. Throughout the rear tire choice for system design, power transmission chain sprocket design used in the process is equally important. For the rear differential, drive axle and brake paper also carried out a detailed design. Finally, the paper summarizes the major parts manufacturers choose to install size made a general exposition.
    [Keywords]: shaft   tire  sprocket wheel  differential  brake
    第一章 前言    1
    1.1基本参数确定    2
    第二章 后轮轴计算    4
    2.1后轮参数    4
    2.2后轮轴校核    4
    第三章 键的强度计算    11
    3.1比压的计算    11
    3.2剪切应力的校核    11
    第四章 轴承的选择与寿命的计算    12
    4.1轴承的校核    12
    4.2轴承的寿命计算    14
    第五章 链轮与链条的选择    16
    5.1链条的设计    16
    5.2链轮的基本参数计算    17
    5.3计算链条中心距    17
    第751章 轮胎的选择    19
    6.1轮胎各参数的选用    19
    6.2轮胎变形特性和平均比压    19
    6.3轮胎支撑面、面积与平均接地比压的计算    22
    6.4 轮胎的安装使用条件    23
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