    毕业论文关键词  电磁发射  电磁枪三文模型  线圈型电磁发射  一级加速线圈
    Title  Design and analysis of the gauss rifle
    In order to meet the future needs of war, exploring new emission technology. Based on the principle of electromagnetic design of a ferromagnetic bullet electromagnetic emission gun. Respectively, from the theoretical analysis, to carry out research work overall program design and experimental tests of the three aspects. Firstly, the principle and characteristics of three types of electromagnetic launch technology, and focus on the theory of electromagnetic induction coil and key technologies are reviewed. Then, using UG software to build a three-dimensional model of the overall structure of the electromagnetic gun the whole gun-free drag-style layout, speed up coil 8 as a barrel, the reciprocating motion solenoids were relying for the bomb. Finally, research the primary winding voltage and current changes in projectile penetrating effect depth. Experimental results show a significant increase in the penetration depth with increasing voltage and current. When the voltage is 30V, current is 6A for plasticine penetration depth of up to 8mm.
    Keywords  Electromagnetic emission  Acceleration coil Magnetic flux  Penetration depth
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.2  国内外发展状况    1
    1.2.1  国外研究现状    1
    1.2.2  国内研究现状    3
    1.3  本文的主要工作    4
    2  发射方式的选择与计算    6
    2.1  发射方式的选择    6
    2.2  计算    10
    2.2.1  线圈数量和层数的选择    10
    2.2.2  枪口能量方程    10
    2.2.3  电池能量的计算    11
    2.2.4  开关    11
    2.2.5  枪管    12
    2.2.6  线圈    12
    2.2.7  电压抑制    12
    2.2.8  磁通量增大    13
    2.2.9  线圈触发    13
    3  三文模型结构设计    14
    3.1  枪管设计    14
    3.2  供弹机构设计    15
    3.3  握把设计    17
    3.4  上机匣设计    17
    3.5  下护木设计    19
    3.6  上下零件连接板    20
    3.7  总体结构    21
    4  实验    23
    4.1  实验目的    23
    4.2  实验仪器    23
    4.3  实验原理    24
    4.4  实验内容与步骤    24
    4.5  实验数据处理    25
    4.6  实验结果分析    26
    结  论    28
    致  谢    29
    1  绪论
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