    摘要:    锅炉排烟热损失一直都是锅炉热损失中最主要的一项。排烟温度偏高一直是国内各个电站普遍存在的问题,尤其是运行了一段时期的电站,因为运行参数偏离了设计参数,或煤种变化等原因,常常造成排烟温度过高。这不仅影响电厂的热经济性,而且为空气预热器的安全运行也埋下隐患。因此,为了提高电站运行的安全可靠性且做到节能降耗,必须想办法降低排烟温度。省煤器安装在锅炉烟道尾部是一种利用烟气余热的设备。它在降低锅炉机组排烟温度的同时降低了煤耗,回收的热量重新引入热力系统从而提高了锅炉的运行经济性,因此被广泛应用于电厂余热回收。本文主要介绍了600MW电站锅炉省煤器的设计计算方法以及省煤器运行中常出现的问题,并对其中某些问题提出了一些解决意见。30572
    Abstract:  Boiler exhaust has always been one of the most important heat loss. High exhaust
    gas temperature of each power plant has long been a common problem, especially in aperiod of plant operation which the operating parameters deviate from the design parameters, or changes in coal and other reason. This not only affects the thermal power plant economics, the safe operation of the air pre-heater also lay hidden. Therefore, in order to improve safety and reliability of plant operation and to achieve energy saving, we must find ways to reduce exhaust gas temperature. Low-pressure economizer installed in the boiler tail is a use of flue gas waste equipment. It reduces the temperature of the exhaust and coal consumption, recycle heat back into the boiler heat system to improve the operation of the economy, so it is widely used in power plant waste heat recovery. This paper analyzes and compares a variety of ways how to reduce exhaust gas temperature and the heat loss, and focuses on the actual application of the economizer system used to reduce exhaust gas temperature.
    Keywords:    600MW Boiler; Economics design; Recycle Heat Back Into The Boiler
    目  录
    1  绪论    3
    1.1 背景及意义    3
    1.2  烟气余热利用    4
    1.3  省煤器介绍    5
    1.4  省煤器主要作用    7
    1.4.1  节能降耗    7
    1.4.2  节水    7
    1.4.3  减排    8
    1.5  本章小结    8
    2  锅炉热力计算    8
    2.1  600MW电站锅炉设计原始资料    8
    2.2  燃料燃烧计算    9
    2.2.1  燃料的数据校核和煤种判别    9
    2.2.2  理论空气量和理论烟气量计算    10
    2.2.3  理论空气量和理论烟气量计算    10
    2.2.4  烟气特性表的计算    10
    2.2.5  烟气的焓温表    12
    2.3  锅炉热平衡计算    12
    2.3.1  炉热平衡及燃料消耗量计算    12
    2.4  本章小结    14
    3  锅炉结构尺寸计算    14
    3.1  炉膛主要结构设计    14
    3.2  炉膛结构特征和水冷壁有效系数的计算    15
    3.3  本章小结    16
    4  省煤器设计    16
    4.1  省煤器的热力计算:    16
    4.2  省煤器的结构设计    19
    4.3  本章小结    21
    5 结论    22
    致谢    23
    参考文献    24
    1  绪论
    1.1 背景及意义
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