    摘要: 本课题所设计的是全自动插植机构部分,目的是为了实现电线自动插入端子的过程,减少人工劳动强度,提高插植的效率。在设计过程中,根据设计要求,主要是对柔性电线的抓取机构、电线抓取部分的移动构件、对电线的拨线和导向机构、检验插植效果的设引张机构设计,并对一些辅助装置做了选型或设计,能够实现电线抓取、左右位置移动、位置的准确定位、进给插入指定孔位,并根据设计画出三文模型图,组装在一起。设计过程中,包括对指抓、气缸、旋转气缸、线性模组、伺服电机、拨线导向杆、行程开关等一系列零部件的选型和计算,确定型号或设计尺寸,绘制出了总体装配图及各部件零件图。此台设备连接着电线的接驳部分和端子的上料部分,是多线色线束生产的全自动一体化的关键环节,可以实现高效的自动插植,效率很高,而且结构简单,便于操作和文修。这在线束生产中具有很大的实用价值。 30555
    毕业论文关键词:线束 自动插植   引张测试 拨线导向
    Abstract: This topic is designed automatic transplanting mechanism section.The purpose is to achieve automatic wire terminal insertion process reduce labor intensity and improve the efficiency of transplanting.During the design process, according to design requirements, mainly for flexible wire grasping mechanism, wire grab moving component parts of the wire dial line and guiding mechanism, the effect of test transplanting set tensile mechanical design, We made a selection or auxiliary device designed to achieve wire crawling around positions, accurate positioning position, insert the specified feed holes, and draw the three-dimensional model based on the design map, assembled together.The design process, including the selection and calculation of a series of components finger claws, cylinder, rotary cylinder, linear modules, servo motors, dial line guide bar, limit switch, etc., to determine the size of the model or design, drawn out of the general assembly Fig and the parts Spare.This piece of equipment connected to the wire connection portion and a portion of the feeding terminal,It is a fully automated integration of key multi-line color harness production,you can achieve efficient automatic transplanting, high efficiency, simple structure, easy operation and maintenance。It has great practical value harness production。
    Keywords: harness  Automatic transplanting   Tensile Test  Dial thread guide
    1绪论    4
    1.1课题研究的意义    4
    1.2课题研究的现状    5
    1.3本章小结    6
    2 自动插植机构的设计方案    6
    2.1线束的生产流程    6
    2.2插植机构的总体方案    8
    2.2.1总体功能要求    8
    自动插植机构旨在实现下面几种功能:    8
    2.2.2 功能的实现方法    9
    2.3 本章小结    10
    3 自动插植机样机实验    11
    3.1试验样机总体    11
    3.2样机各模块介绍    12
    3.2.1 电线放置部分    12
    3.2.2线盒部分    12
    3.2.3 拨线导向部分    13
    3.2.4 单臂插植机构部分    13
    3.3实验过程    14
    4 自动插植机构的主要机构和部件的设计    15
    4.1 单臂插植机构以及各部件的选型计算    15
    4.1.1 电线抓取结构设计计算    15
    4.1.2指抓的计算设计    16
    4.1.4 引张机构设计    22
    4.1.5 回转气缸的计算选取    22
    4.1.6线性模组的选型    27
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