    A 300 mw power plant boiler economizer design
    Abstract: Economizer is a kind of heat exchange equipment by using the boiler tail flue gas heat to heat water supply. It can reduce exhaust temperature, save material and improve the efficiency of the boiler. In addition, after water go through the economizer, water which into the drum feed temperature get raised, reduce the temperature difference between the water supply and drum, thus reduce the thermal stress of drum. Economizer is not only a provincial coal economizer, actually has become an indispensable an integral part of the boiler now.
    This design is mainly about the structure of the 300 mw power plant boiler economizer design and thermodynamic calculation. First, according to the types of given for lignite characteristics of fuel, calculation of flue gas and fuel consumption; and then determine the size of the parts in the structure of the boiler. And according to the design size on the structure of the boiler thermodynamic calculation, in order to meet the requirements of boiler basic performance, thus carries on the economizer structural design and thermodynamic calculation, and finally determine the economizer arrangement in the tail flue chamber of a stove or furnace.
    Keywords: Economizer; Heat exchange equipment; The 300 MW power plant boiler; Structure
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    电站锅炉的发展概况    1
    1.2    电站锅炉主要受热面    2
    1.3    省煤器    3
    1.3.1    省煤器的作用    3
    1.3.2    省煤器的种类    3
    1.3.3    省煤器的布置方式    5
    1.3.4    省煤器的支吊方式    6
    1.4    本章小结    6
    2    省煤器设计原始资料    7
    2.1    基本参数    7
    2.2    燃料的数据校核和煤种判别    7
    2.3    本章小结    8
    3    燃料燃烧及锅炉热平衡计算    9
    3.1    受热面布置    9
    3.2    理论空气量和理论烟气量    9
    3.2.1    理论空气量计算    9
    3.2.2    燃料产物及其计算    10
    3.2.3    空气焓和烟气焓的计算    12
    3.3    热平衡及燃料消耗量计算    13
    3.3.1    锅炉输入热量及各项热损失    13
    3.3.2    燃料消耗量计算    15
    3.4    本章小结    16
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