    Design of the Ethylene Oxide Hot and Cold Heat Exchanger
    Abstract: This article describes the design of the ethylene oxide hot and cold heat exchanger. There is only one tube sheet in U-tube heat exchanger. Each tube is bent into a U-shaped, and the import and export of the fluid are respectively mounted on both sides of the same end. The tube box is separated into two spaces by partition. Each tube can be freely retractable in order to solve the problem of thermal compensation. The tube process flow is relatively long, it has relatively high flow rate and better heat transfer performance, and can take strong pressure. It has simple structure and cheap price. The main structure of the U-tube head heat exchanger including tube box, cylinder, head, heat transfer tubes, tools, baffled, supports and other accessories. The chemical process of the heat exchanger is selected according to the given conditions. Then the physical parameters of the heat exchanger medium can be determined. The structural parameters are calculated refer to the standard. At last accounting for the previous.
    KeyWords:Heat exchanger; U-tube; Structure; design calculating
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 引言    1
    1.2 换热器的分类    1
    1.2.1 换热器的主要形式    1
    1.2.2 管壳式换热器的分类    2
    1.3 课题研究的意义    2
    1.4 国内外管壳式换热设备研究进展    3
    1.5 强化传热技术的研究进展    4
    1.6 管壳式换热器的发展方向    4
    1.7 本文研究的内容    5
    2 换热器的热力和阻力计算    7
    2.1 热力计算    7
    2.1.1 确定物性数据    7
    2.1.3 流动空间及流速的测定    7
    2.1.4 计算总传热系数    7
    2.1.5 换热器传热核算    10
    2.2 阻力计算    12
    3 换热器结构计算    14
    3.1筒体和管箱    14
    3.1.1 筒体    14
    3.1.2 管箱及管箱封头    14
    3.1.3 管箱分程隔板    16
    3.1.4 封头    16
    3.1.5 水压试验校核    16
    3.2 管板    18
    3.3 布管    19
    3.3.1 换热管及其排列方式    19
    3.3.2 U形管弯管段的弯曲半径    19
    3.3.3 换热管中心距    20
    3.3.4 换热管与管板连接    20
    3.4 接管    21
    3.4.1壳体接管厚度    21
    3.4.2管箱接管厚度    21
    3.4.3壳体接管开孔补强校核    22
    3.4.4管箱短节开孔补强的校核    24
    3.4.5 管箱接管位置的最小尺寸    26
    3.4.6 壳程接管位置的最小尺寸    26
    3.5 折流板    27
    3.5.1 折流板的作用    27
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