    Design of Ethylene oxide Distillation Column
    Tower equipment is important equipment which is widely used in chemical, oil and other industrial manufacturing. Tower equipment used in industrial tray columns and packed tower, and plate distillation column is used in this design .The design meets the conditions under the premise for the tower equipment structural design, material selection, strength and stability calculations and component design selection. First determined according to the conditions of the tower's wall thickness of the tower body and head, then according to the mass loading of the body to withstand the tower, the quality of load calculation, seismic load calculations, wind load calculations, the natural period of calculation,the strength and stability check and of the tower opening reinforcement calculations .Finally, select and design the annex to the tray of the plate tower structure and tower equipment reasonably.
    Key Words: Distillation column; Intensity check; Structure selection;Design calculations
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究意义    1
    1.2 课题介绍    1
    2 材料选择与结构设计    3
    2.1塔体设计    3
    2.1.1 圆筒与封头的材料选择    3
    2.1.2 圆筒壁厚的计算    3
    2.1.3 封头壁厚的计算    4
    2.2裙座设计    6
    2.2.1 裙座材料选择    6
    2.2.2 裙座结构设计    6
    2.3 板式塔塔盘设计    7
    2.3.1 浮阀塔盘    7
    2.3.2分块式塔盘    8
    2.3.3 塔盘溢流装置    8
    2.3.4 塔盘支撑和紧固件    10
    3 强度及稳定性的计算    11
    3.1 塔器质量计算    11
    3.1.1 塔体和裙座质量    11
    3.1.2 塔内构件质量    11
    3.1.3 人孔、接管及法兰等附件质量    12
    3.1.4 保温材料质量    11
    3.1.5 平台、扶梯质量    12
    3.1.6 操作时塔内物料质量    12
    3.1.7 水压试验时,塔设备内充水质量    13
    3.1.8 全塔操作质量    13
    3.1.9 全塔最小质量    13
    3.1.10 全塔最大质量    13
    3.2 塔器自振周期计算    14
    3.3 地震载荷及地震弯矩计算    15
    3.3.1 水平地震力    15
    3.3.2 垂直地震力    16
    3.3.3 地震弯矩    16
    3.4 风载荷和风弯矩    17
    3.4.1 风力计算    17
    3.4.2 风弯矩计算    19
    3.5 偏心载荷和最大弯矩的计算    19
    3.5.1 偏心载荷的计算    19
    3.5.2最大弯矩的计算    19
    3.6 圆筒强度及稳定性校核    20
    3.6.1 计算压应力引起的轴向拉应力    20
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