    摘要:近几年数控成型磨削技术已经迅速发展成为一种新型的加工技术,其高效的精密方式在机械工程上有着极其广泛的应用。基于成形磨削技术所具有的极大和极广的应用前景 ,本论文介绍了成型磨削的特点和发展前景以及分析了砂轮在磨削中保持高精度的重要性,同时也说明了设计本课题的目的和意义。29303
    Design of high precision diamond roller CNC dressing
    Abstract: In recent years, CNC forming grinding technology has rapidly developed into a new processing technology and its highly efficient manner precision mechanical engineering has an extremely wide range of applications .Based on form grinding technology with great and very broad application prospects, this paper describes the characteristics and development prospects shaped grinding wheel and the analysis of the importance of maintaining high precision in grinding, but also shows the design of this project the purpose and meaning.
        The design uses a diamond roller dresser, high dresser dressing efficiency of this structure, to complete the shaping of the wheel in a very short period of time and dressing and trimming the trimming force is small, with the province to repair wear small, high precision finishing. Diamond Wheel Dresser has a high dressing efficiency, long life, easy to cool, simple structure, small size, easy installation, and other advantages. Diamond wheel trimming process less wear, very good to reduce errors in grinding wheel dressing wheel itself due to wear caused.The entire device uses a cross-roller guides, the bellows flexible coupling and angular contact ball bearings and other means to ensure accuracy. Furthermore, in order to better improve the accuracy of the device, the design also uses a high-precision encoders and closed-loop control.
    Key Words:  Roller;Wear;Precision
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 磨床的发展    1
    1.2 成型磨削技术简介    2
    1.3 数控成型平面磨床简介    3
    1.3.1 数控修整器齿轮磨床应用实例    4
    1.3.2 数控成型平磨应用实例    4
    1.4 数控平面磨床发展现状及数控系统    4
    1.5 数控成型平面磨床发展的必要性    5
    2 高精度金刚滚轮数控修整器的设计综述    6
    2.1 砂轮修整的目的及特点分析    6
    2.2 成形砂轮的修整方法    6
     2.2.1 单点金刚石笔修整法    6
     2.2.2 金刚石滚轮修整法    7
    2.3 金刚石修整工具使用应当注意的事项    8
    3 高精度金刚滚轮数控修整器设计方案介绍    8
    4 设计内容    9
    5 设计要点及计算    9
    5.1 交流伺服电机的选用    9
    5.1.1 伺服电机简介    9
    5.1.2 伺服电机的选择    10
    5.2 高精度金刚滚轮的设计    10
    5.3 高精度主轴的设计    11
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  2. 下一篇:球面磨床主体结构设计+CAD图纸
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