


    毕业论文关键词:金刚石钻孔机  三维建模   运动仿真  有限元分析

    Abstract Diamond drilling machine is a kind of reinforced concrete, ceramics, glass, refractories and other top new drilling tool with without dust, high efficiency, precision machined hole size characteristics. It is widely used in quality control, construction, water, electricity, heating, gas and other installation works, as well as the construction of the railway bridge and tunnel reinforcement and other industries.

     In this paper, unidirectional diamond drilling machine mechanical structure, first on the overall structure of the design, and then use the diamond drill Soildworks a 3D model, for assembly. Second, a simple motion simulation, motion simulation produced animation. Then create engineering drawings, expressed diamond drill transmission structure. Finally, finite element analysis on drilling machine for analysis, the key parts of the static stress analysis diagram. The design for the one-way type of diamond drills and diamond drilling machine with universal reference and reference value.

     Key words: Diamond Drill,Three-dimensional modeling ,Motion Simulation,Finite Element Analysis 

    目     录

    第一章  绪论 9

       1.1 选题的背景和意义 9

       1.2 国内外研究现状以及存在的问题 10

       1.3论文的主要研究内容 11

    第二章  金刚石钻孔机的方案设计 12

       2.1  加工条件以及方案的确定 12

       2.2  电动机的选择 13

       2.3  金刚石钻孔机的传动结构设计 14

       2.4  底座固定零部件的选择 16

    第三章  金刚石钻孔机三维实体模型建立 19

       3.1Soildworks软件介绍 19

       3.2工作装置零件的特征建模 19

          3.2.1 齿条立柱的生成 20

          3.2.2 立柱滑块的生成 21

          3.2.3 小齿轮的生成 22

          3.2.4 滑块端盖的生成 22

        3.2.5 底座模型的生成 23

       3.3 工作装置的虚拟装配 24

          3.3.1 底座和立柱模型的装配 24

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