

    机械机构主要是通过人工转动大链轮从而实现滑块在导轨上滑动的功能,本次设计中,根据设计要求,本文首先分析了所需立柱,并对其进行了校核。根据条件选择了电动机,并通过计算验证了所需电动机是否满足要求。最后通过运动仿真检验了钻孔机的运载速度是否满足生产需求。万向式便携金刚石钻孔机的结构可实现一次定位, 在任意角度进行钻孔,多方向作业,且方便安装,移动。该钻孔机可有效解决企业中各类不同方向工况条件下的钻孔难点,使生产作业轻松自如。

    毕业论文关键字:万向金刚石钻孔机  链轮  滑块  圆柱套 

    Abstract  The design of the object is universal portable diamond drill structure, which is widely used in wall drilling, drilling and other types of industrial enterprises the site to meet the needs of different drilling conditions. Universal type drilling machine design will be the main mechanical structure design as the main object, and its three-dimensional modeling, checking calculations, motion simulation, finite element analysis. The design of the main mechanical structure also includes the design of the cylindrical sleeve, wheel design, the design of the slider, the rail design, the design of the large sprocket, a small sprocket design.

      Mechanical rotating bodies mainly through artificial large sprocket in order to achieve the slider on the rail sliding function, this design, according to the design requirements, this paper analyzes the required column, and its a check. Select the motor according to the conditions and verified by calculating the required motor meets the requirements. Finally, motion simulation test of the drilling machine carriage speed meets production needs. Universal portable diamond drill structure can be realized once positioned at any angle drilling, multi-directional operation, and easy to install, move. The drilling machine can effectively solve the enterprise in various different directions drilling working conditions difficult, so that production operations easier.

    Keywords: universal diamond drill、diamond、slider、cylindrical sleeve


    第一章   绪论 13

    1.1  钻孔机的发展 13

    1.2  万向式便携金刚石钻孔机结构的作用和意义 14

    1.3  国内外钻孔机存在的问题 14

    1.4  论文设计的主要内容 15

    第二章 电动机的选择 19

       2.1  选择电动机类型和结构型式 16

       2.2  主要参数 17

       2.3  电机的计算和选取 17

    第三章 钻孔机机构的设计 19

       3.1  钻孔机工况分析 19

    3.2   钻孔机机械结构形式和运动机理 19

    3.2.1  机械结构 19

    3.3 钻孔机的机械结构及零件的设计

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