    摘要: 如今中国包裹分拣系统的全自动化处于上升的过程中,虽然简单功能的包裹分拣机已经完全能够被国内的公司设计并制造出来,但是性能要求高,规模大的包裹分拣机现在仍依然是进口。那些功能简单的分拣机往往分拣效率低,进口的分拣机虽然效率高,但是价格也是很高的。因此,设计并制造出价格低效率高的分拣机是十分重要的。包裹分拣机一般是由几个可以自由运动小车组成的在一个环形封闭输送轨道上运动的分拣系统。在包裹上件的地方由工人将贴有条形码的包裹条形码向上放到自由运动的小车上,然后小车围绕环形轨道运动,控制系统就小车上条形码扫描器扫描到条形码的信息进行处理,从而得到包裹属于哪个道口的的信息,当小车运动到那个道口,传感器得到的消息传给控制系统,控制系统会做出相应的反应来控制小车上的皮带从而会把包裹输送到那个道口,这个就现实了分拣的功能。27903
    毕业论文关键词:条形码 信号传输导轨 条形码扫描器
    Parcel sorting machine Lord conveyer and sorting crossings mechanism design
    Abstract: Now all the parcel sorting system in China in the process of automation on the rise, although the parcel sorting machine of simple function has completely can be domestic company designed and manufactured, but require high performance, large parcel sorting machine imports still remains. Those features simple sorting machine sorting efficiency is low, often import sorting machine with high efficiency, but the price is very high. Therefore, design and produce prices low efficiency and high sorting machine is very important. The parcel sorting machine is usually composed of several free sports car in a circular closed orbit sorting system. On the package the place by workers will with a bar code package bar code up on freedom of movement of the car, and then the car around a circular orbit, control system on the car of bar code scanner scans the bar code information processing, and the information package which belongs to the crossing, when the small car movement to the crossing, the sensor information to the control system, control system will react accordingly to control the car on the belt to delivery the parcel to the crossing, this is reality sorting function.
        This paper package system the events of the parcel sorting machine of actual operation, operation process, the design of the mechanical part and design of the control system of innovation and made a detailed and complete. Parcel sorting machine, meanwhile, the principle of sorting machine how to realize the overall operation of the design are also described
    Through careful design and perfect so as to realize the parcel sorting machine of the overall performance improvement, pull close the gap with the international advanced level, to make up for the lack of domestic in this respect. At the same time to save the cost and improve the efficiency of automated sorting.
    Key Words: Bar code, Signal transmission guide, Barcode scanner
    1 绪论    6
    1.1 选题的背景    6
    1.2 国内外研究现状    7
    1.3 课题的实际应用意义    12
    2包裹分拣机主输送装置及分拣道口机构设计    14
    2.1包裹分拣机工作原理    14
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