    关键词: 整体叶轮;五轴数控加工;高速铣削加工技术 毕业论文
    Based on the the UG NX overall impeller 5-axis high-speed machining CAD / CAM
    Abstract: Integrated impellers are a kind of representative parts with relatively normal shape of the complicated thin-walled which is usually used for turbine machinery equipment. The design of the working surface relates to several comprehensive subjects such as aerodynamics, hydrodynamics and so on. So the manufacture means,manufacture precision and manufacture quality of the surface all have large effect on the capability parameters. Synthetically considering the characteristic of integrated impeller and the feature of 5-axis High Speed Cutting technology, and the correlation analysis of integrated impeller CAM programming and postprocessor. First, in three dimensional design software UG environment, modeling the integrated impeller's blade and hub respectively, emphasizing analysis  
    the method of modeling the blade surface, for subsequent 5-axis High Speed Cutting ready to work. Then analyze the 5-axis CNC High Speed Cutting technology thoroughly, Accordingly, planning a integrated impeller 5-axis High Speed Cutting process scheme. Finally in UG CAM function module of integrated impeller blade surface and runner surface respectively, while check and simulation integrated impeller's manufacturing process repeatedly, And analyze the postprocessor for the actual CNC machining. Make a good foundation for the actual CNC machining of integrated impeller.
    KeyWords:  Integrated impeller; 5-axis CNC machining; High Speed Cutting technology

    1绪论    1
    1.1 选题背景    1
    1.2 课题意义    1
    2国内外研究现状    3
    2.1 五轴联动数控机床    3
    2.1.1五轴联动数控机床国外研究现状    4
    2.1.2五轴联动数控机床国内研究现状    4
    2.2 高速铣削加工技术    5
    2.2.1高速铣削加工技术国外研究现状    6
    2.2.2高速铣削加工技术国内研究现状    7
    2.3 CAD/CAM    7
    2.3.1 CAD/CAM国外研究现状    8
    2.3.2 CAD/CAM国内研究现状    9
    3整体叶轮实体造型    11
    3.1概述    11
    3.2 整体叶轮轮毂的创建    12
    3.3整体叶轮叶片的分析    12
    3.4整体叶轮叶片的创建    12
    3.5整体叶轮的创建    13
    4 整体叶轮五轴高速铣削加工工艺分析与规划    23
    4.1 概述    23
    4.2 整体叶轮的技术要求    23
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