    摘要无刷直流电机(BLDCM)以其优越的性能在小功率电动车中大规模使用。然而,无刷直流电机在运行中存在较大转矩脉动,若无有效抑制措施,则会导致行驶噪音和抖动,进而降低整车性能和行驶舒适度。为此,本文首先对小功率电动车无刷直流电机的基本结构、工作原理及数学模型进行了研究,分析了电机限流控制策略,探讨了电机转矩脉动产生原因及其抑制方法。随后,利用Matlab/Simulink仿真平台,建立无刷直流电机仿真模型。利用该仿真模型,验证了逐次比较限流控制算法及电流补偿方法在限流控制及转矩脉动抑制方面的有效性。最后,基于仿真结果,以 微控制器为核心,对带有转矩脉动抑制功能的无刷直流电机控制器进行了软硬件设计,并实际制作了原理样机。性能测试验证了样机的有效性。25443
    关键词  无刷直流电机  转矩脉动  逐次比较  电流补偿   STM8
    Title    Research on New Energy Electric Vehicle Controller  Based on Current Compensation Method                            
    Brushless direct current motor(BLDCM) has been used on a massive scale for its superior performance, however, brushless direct current motor exists greater torque ripple, which causes noise and vibration, and that even affects its driving performance without effective suppression measures. Therefore, this paper firstly researched the basic structure, working principle and mathematical model of brushless direct current motor, analyzed motor limited-current control strategy, and discussed the reasons of causing torque ripple and the methods of reducing torque ripple. Then, the paper established brushless direct current motor simulation model based on Matlab/Simulink platform, with the model, successive comparison limited-current control strategy and current compensation method in the role of current limited control and torque ripple suppression was verified. Finally, according to the simulation result, the software and hardware design of brushless direct current motor controller has been completed using STM8S105S6T6C microcontroller as the core, and the principle prototype has been made. Performance testing result indicated the validation of the prototype.
    Keywords  brushless direct current motor  torque ripple  successive comparison  current compensation   STM8
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  电动车发展现状    1
    1.3  电动车控制器研究现状    2
    1.4  本文研究内容    3
    1.5  本章小结    4
    2  电动车无刷直流电机转矩脉动抑制仿真研究    5
    2.1  无刷直流电机工作原理及数学模型    5
    2.2  无刷直流电机控制系统架构和限流控制策略    8
    2.3  无刷直流电机转矩脉动分析    9
    2.4  无刷直流电机转矩脉动抑制仿真    12
    2.5  本章小结    19
    3  电动车控制器硬件设计和实现    20
    3.1  电动车控制器硬件需求分析    20
    3.2  电动车控制器硬件系统设计    20
    3.3  电动车控制器硬件系统实现    30
    3.4  本章小结    31
    4  电动车控制器软件设计和实现    32
    4.1  主程序    32
    4.2  中断服务子程序    32
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