    关键词  底排弹  数值分析  内弹道  燃烧特性   
    Title   The interior ballistic numerical analysis of the US M864 base bleed projectile gas generator.                      
    This essay has carried out the numerical analysis of interior ballistic characteristics based on the base bleed device of the base bleed projectile, the main results were as follows:
    First,it adopts the method of theoretical analysis and numerical analysis to design and build the  interior ballistic model of the gas generator of the base bleed projectile,and studies the influence of the spin and change of the propellant on the burn rates of base bleed projectile.
    Second,under the condition of already knowing the geometry of the propellant grain,by analysing the burn area and other factors,the whole burning rate equation and interior ballistic equations which is essential to solve the chamber pressure in obtained.also,by computer programming,the parameters such as chamber pressure,burning rate,mass flow under each time step is obtained.
    Last,after getting the computer program,analyse the change rule of burn parameters under different spin rates,and together with this,also analyse when propellant parameters changes,corresponding changes of the burn parameters,and get the corresponding conclusions which is consistent with theoretical research.
    Keywords  base bleed projectile    numerical analysis   interior ballistic  burn parameters
    目   次
    1  绪论 1
    1.1  研究背景 1
    1.2  底排装置 6
    1.3  国内外研究现状 7
    1.4  本文主要研究内容 12
    2  底排弹内弹道模型 13
    2.1  引言 13
    2.2  内弹道模型的描述  13
    2.3  界面设计  20
    2.4  程序的主要功能  22
    3  数值分析结果 23
    3.1  转速条件改变下计算结果 23
    3.2  燃速改变下的计算结果 28
    3.3  装药参数改变下的计算结果 29
    3.4  燃烧面积的比较 35
    3.5  和已知文献的数据的比较 36
    3.6  本章小结 37
    4  总结 38
    4.1  全文总结 38
    4.2  问题和展望 38
    致谢  39
    1  绪论
    1.1    研究背景
    1.1.1    问题的提出
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