







    Title     Design and Application of Dynamic Analog Compensation Filters (Analog Circuit Design)                                               


    In order to improve the dynamic characteristics of dynamic measurement system, the paper research the design of dynamic compensation filters and the achievement of analog circuit for typical first-order and second-order measurement system.

    This issue, according to Butterworth low-pass filter, designed synthesis compensation system, and then let it’s transfer function pide the transfer function of the measurement system, resulting in the transfer function of the compensation filter. Under the control of MCU, we can control the parameters of active filter to achieve compensation filter transfer function. Its cascade can be achieved by MCU control CD4052,  the circuit parameters can also be adjusted by the MCU to control digital potentiometer x9221.

    In this paper, designed some compensation system to appropriate typical first-order and second-order measurement system. According to the analysis of the simulated and experimental results, demonstrated the effectiveness of the compensation filter. Its upper cut-off frequency can be reached by adjusting 20kHz, and can be adjusted according to the application requirements down.

    Key words: Dynamic compensation; x9221 digital potentiometer; CD4052; PSPICE; AT89C51

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  本课题的研究背景、目的及其意义 1

    1.2  本课题所涉动态补偿技术技术的国内外研究现状 2

    1.3  动态特性模拟补偿滤波器的实现技术的国内外研究现状 3

    1.4  本课题所研究的内容 3

    1.5  论文章节安排 3

    1.6  本章小结 4

    2  测量系统动态特性模拟补偿传递函数设计和算法 5

    2.1  补偿滤波器传递函数设计 5

    2.2  补偿滤波器传递函数的具体算法 6

    2.3  本章小结 7

    3  动态模拟补偿滤波器的硬件电路设计 8

    3.1  硬件设计总体方案 8

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