    毕业论文关键词: 立体车库;液压控制 ;车库调转
     The design of the turning of vertical parking
    Abstract: this topic is about a parking system for an old office building , it has only one direction and should use the double garage.This program requires Reasonable arrangement which needs a device of turning .please design this device and finish the mechanical structure of the system design and calculation and drawing. Durning this period of analysis and discussion, and I determind the control of hydraulic motor is the best way to control this system,we can make the motor to control hydraulic motor, we can use the hydraulic pump and make motor to drive shaft rotation,after that the shaft connected to the workbench drives turntable. This design includes two parts, namely the design of turntable mechanical structure and the design of the hydraulic pump station, and hydraulic pump station design include the choice of all kinds of hydraulic valve,nanely the design of integrated blocks, selection of elements like motor, oil filter, fuel tank capacity calculation, etc. With the development of the society and the progress of era, the space of human living becomes more and more small, I thinkthree-dimensional garage will surely replace traditional garage ,and it will become an important measure to solve these problems, we have the reason that the prospect is promising.
    Keywords: three-dimensional garage;hydraulic control;garage turning
    1.引言    1
    1.1 课题背景    2
    1.2 本课题的目的和意义    2
    2.文献综述    3
    2.1立体车库结构形式    3
    2.2立体车库的结构特点    3
    2.3回转工作台概述    4
    2.4各类回转工作台    5
    2.4.1 闭式静压回转工作台    5
    2.4.2 AHY系列回转工作台    5
    2.4.3 力矩电机串联式回转工作台    6
    2.4.4 TWB系列回转工作台    6
    2.4.5 轮库回转机构    7
    3方案论证    8
    3.1 车库调转驱动方案    9
    3.2液压调速方案    11
    3.2.1节流调速简介    11
    3.2.2容积调速    12
    4.总体设计方案    13
    4.1回转工作台的设计    13
    4.1.1转台部分    14
    4.1.2万向脚轮部分    14
    4.1.3 弯型轨道    16
    4.1.4 支撑钢环    17
    4.2 液压泵站    17
    5.结构设计分析    19
    5.1负载    19
    5.2力矩    19
    5.3轴承校核    19
    5.4液压阀的正确选用    20
    5.4.1选择的一般原则    20
    5.4.2液压阀安装方式的选择    20
    5.4.3液压阀额定压力的选择    20
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