    1 确定低温环境试验仓的容积大小,参考文献资料设计低温环境试验仓;
    2 选定环境试验仓所用材质,以及内部部件所用材质;
    3 以选定材质为准,进行冷热负荷计算。
    毕业论文关键词 环境试验  温度变化  冷热负荷计算  复叠制冷
    Title    The Design of Environmental Testing Chamber under Low Temperature
    Environmental testing chamber is a test device which simulates one kind or variety of tested products working environment to detect products’ performance by artificial means. Temperature test is one of the most important environmental pilot projects. low or high temperature environment test and impact test of temperature change are used to verify product to withstand aging, expansion and contraction properties. With the increasing levels of information technology and the rapid development of high-tech, the reaction products on the environment has become increasingly sensitive to changes, the status of environmental testing laboratory is also more prominent in the assessment of product performance.
    Refrigeration system and heating system is the core of test Low temperature environmental testing chamber. This article has designed the low temperature environmental testing chamber in theory:
    1、Determine the volume size of Low temperature environmental testing chamber with the help of reference books.
    2、Select the materials of the low temperature environmental testing chamber as well as the interior parts.
    3、Calculate the hot and cold load based on the selected material.
    Keywords  Environmental test chamber   Temperature change   The hot and cold load calculation   Cascade refrigeration
      目  次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 概述    1
    1.1.1 环境试验简介    1
    1.1.2 环境试验的地位    2
    1.2 环境试验仓工作原理    2
    1.3本章小结    5
    2 低温变工况环境试验仓概述    6
    2.1  低温环境试验仓的功能    6
    2.2  环境试验设备的发展史    6
    2.3 本章小结    7
    3 低温变工况环境试验仓制冷、加热系统耗能分析    8
    3.1降温工况耗能分析    8
    3.2升温工况耗能分析    8
    3.3 恒温工况下耗能分析    9
    3.4 本章小结    10
    4 低温变工况环境试验仓热设计    11
    4.1设计要求及参数    11
    4.2 低温环境试验仓功能的实现方式    12
    4.2.1 低温环境试验仓的绝热形式    12
    4.2.2 低温环境试验仓内部冷量和热量的输入方式    13
    4.2.3 低温环境试验仓的主要结构    19
    4.3  低温变工况试验仓的能耗计算    13
    4.3.1 降温时各个阶段平均耗冷量    13
    4.3.2升温各阶段平均耗热量    20
    4.3.3 恒温各阶段平均耗热量    24
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