    关键词:  高射频,金属风暴,感应点火,内弹道
    Title    Design of A High-Firing-Rate Cluster Weapon
    The paper first introduces the ultrahigh frequency weapon system——the basic principles of mental storm technology and its advantages compared with traditional mechanical guns, and then summarizes the development of metal storm technology at home and abroad.
    Two types of high-frequency weapons, the ignition-type and the induction-type high-frequency cluster weapons, are designed. The projectile, container of projectiles, barrel and the electronic control unit of the two weapon systems are all designed respectively. The material of barrel, the type of the propellant and the explosive load are determined. The basic principles and advantages of the induction ignition are introduced. The three-tube cluster weapon of the induction ignition and UG is used to carry out the three-dimensional modeling. The process in the interior ballistic trajectory of the system are also described. Different ballistic equations for different projectiles are established and related conclusions after computational analysis are drawed.
    Keywords : high firing rate,metal storm,induction ignition,interior ballistics
    目   次
    1  绪论  1
      1.1  课题背景  1
      1.2  国内外发展  1
        1.2.1  国外发展状况  1
        1.2.2  国内发展状况  5
      1.3  未来应用  5
      1.4  金属风暴技术的优缺点  6
      1.5  本论文的主要工作  7
    2  点火头式高频集束武器设计  8
      2.1  基本原理和总体方案  8
      2.2  系统结构设计及建模  10
        2.2.1  电子点火控制装置及测试装置设计  10
        2.2.2  弹丸尺寸设计  11
        2.2.3  容弹器、密封装置设计  13
        2.2.4  枪管设计  16
        2.2.5  发射药选择  20
    3  感应式高频集束武器设计  21
      3.1  感应点火原理及组成  21
      3.2 三管感应式集束武器工作原理  22
      3.3 换弹及枪管定位方式及设计  23
      3.4  结构设计  24
        3.4.1  枪管组件  24
        3.4.2  枪管组件连接件  26
        3.4.3  下机匣  27
        3.4.4  枪托  27
        3.4.5  握把  28
        3.4.6  小握把  28
        3.4.7  全枪总装配图  29
    4  高频武器系统的内弹道计算与分析  30
    4.1  内弹道概述  30
    4.2  本高频武器系统内弹道过程描述  30
    4.3  火药气体状态方程  31
    4.4  内弹道方程组的建立与求解  32
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