


    毕业论文关键词:虚拟环境; 工艺设计; 加工仿真 ;VERICUT ;


    With the cylinder head machining increasingly demanding, CNC machining parts to play in the cylinder head is also an increasingly important role. When programming is complete CNC machining, during the formal parts processing required before machining program correctness test. If you complete the preparation of the NC machining program errors that may lead to under-cut or gouge the workpiece, tool and spare parts, tools and fixtures, tools and workbench interference and collision between the issues. Followed by a growing number of CNC machine simulation software, but for the CNC machining process simulation system software is rarely present VERICUT in this respect is the most sophisticated software, VERICUT will be applied to the cylinder head parts validated before processing the program processing of the cylinder head has an important significance.

    The topic for the head part structural features in-depth study, the use of Pro / E and VERICUT software features is proposed based on virtual manufacturing environment head parts machining process design and simulation methods. First, head parts processing technology design, then use VERICUT software to build a virtual manufacturing environment and select the cylinder head milling and drilling boring four weeks each side hole machining process simulation processing, and the simulation results are compared inspection, the use of software to automatically compare function analysis cylinder head machining overcut or whether there is residual.

    Through the use of computer virtual simulation technology, fundamentally changing the dependence on manufacturing resources, while allowing rapid modification and reset the virtual model, in this virtual model, the product reduces the processing time, reduce costs, and can be detected early and actual exposure may be hidden in the quality of processing, which has an important significance machining head.

    Keywords:Virtual environment; process design; machining simulation; VERICUT;


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1课题背景 1

    1.2选题的目的和意义 1

    1.3国内外研究现状与发展趋势 2

    1.4目前存在的问题 3

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