    关键词  双联齿轮泵  泄漏现象  困油现象  机械密封  卸荷槽
    Title         Double gear pump design                    
    Double gear pump is actually the two ordinary gear pumps in series or in parallel. The gear pump connected in parallel is sharing the same input shaft. The two ordinary gear pump is generally connected with a fine tooth spline. Double gear pump designed in this project is composed of two parallel external gear pumps from. It works like the common external gear pump. External gear pump is common hydraulic component used in the hydraulic system. The advantage is simple structure, small size, light weight, easy maintenance and manufacture, inexpensive, reliable, self-absorption ability, not sensitive to oil pollution and so on. The disadvantage is that there is no leakage phenomenon, the phenomenon of trapped oil, gear radial hydraulic pressure imbalance and the limited of improve the working pressure is limited; flow pulsation large and high noise.The design is mainly based on the performance of a given design parameters to design a reasonable double gear pump. And detailed analysis the phenomenon of gear pump`s trapped oil and leaks oil. Using mechanical seals to reduce leakage, and open unloading tank to eliminate the phenomenon of trapped oil.
    Keywords  double gear pump leakage  phenomenon of trapped oil  mechanical seal: unloading tank.

    1  绪论    1
    1.1  液压泵的概述    1
    1.2  液压泵的性能参数    1
    1.3  液压泵的分类    2
    1.4  齿轮泵的工作原理    2
    1.5  齿轮泵的国内外现状及发展    4
    1.5.1  目前广泛应用的齿轮泵    4
    1.5.2 齿轮泵的发展趋势    5
    1.6  本章小结    5
    2  双联齿轮泵的设计    5
    2.1  双联齿轮泵的整体方案的设计思路    5
    2.2  齿轮的设计    6
    2.2.1  齿轮材料的选择    6
    2.2.2  齿轮参数的确定    6
    2.2.3  齿轮强度的校核    9
    2.3  齿轮轴的设计    10
    2.3.1 前泵主动齿轮轴的设计计算    10
    2.3.2后泵主动齿轮轴的设计计算    13
    2.3.3 从动齿轮轴的设计计算    14
    2.4  进出油口的确定    15
    2.5  标准件的选择    15
    2.6  本章小结    16
    3  双联齿轮泵的性能分析    17
    3.1  双联齿轮泵的困油现象及其卸荷措施    17
    3.1.1  困油现象    17
    3.1.2  卸荷槽的设计    18
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