    关键词:  滚动直线导轨副 寿命试验 控制系统 硬件选型
    Title    Design of measurement and control system of linear    guide life test---The hardware system design                                                 
    The linear guide is a linear guide function part is mainly based on rolling friction, because of its high bearing capacity, small friction coefficient, feed speed, accuracy and repeatability of positioning accuracy, more and more high precision CNC machinery, automation equipment used. The test of the life is very necessary.
    This paper is aimed at the domestic linear rolling guide specification, the test object is 35~65mm width of the linear rolling guide, and can meet the simulation of three guide rails condition running, load components can respectively control loading three measured rail, according to the design requirements of the linear guide rail pair lifetime measurement and control system. And introduces the working principle of the hydraulic loading system, test bench running control system; it also introduces some changes for sensor selection condition monitoring of rail life performance parameters, as well as the principle of the circuit and the selection of hardware of the control system is introduced.
    Keywords :the linear rolling guide  life test  Control system  the selection of hardware
    1绪论    1
    1.1滚动直线导轨副的概述    1
    1.2滚动直线导轨副的寿命研究现状    1
    1.3滚动直线导轨副的发展方向    2
    1.4课题研究的意义    3
    1.5本文主要内容    3
    2 滚动直线导轨副的测试系统分析    4
    2.1试验台结构分析    4
    2.2加载系统设计分析    5
    2.3跑合控制系统设计分析    6
    2.4控制系统软件分析    7
    3试验台测控系统设计    8
    3.1 测试系统总体方案    8
    3.2传感器的选型    9
    3.2.1压力传感器的选择    9
    3.2.2振动传感器的选择    11
    3.2.3光电传感器的选择    12
    3.3测量信号的采集与处理    13
    3.3.1信号采集与处理原理    13
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