


    毕业论文关键词         空气源热泵   原理设计   原油加热


    Title    High water-cut crude design of heat pump system                  


    Our extensive use of today's society is not renewable energy sources such as coal, petroleum, natural gas, the energy use caused serious damage to our environment, but also caused a serious energy crisis, now national introduction of relevant documents, requirements vigorously develop energy-saving and emission reduction projects, and air source heat pumps is strongly supports an energy saving and environmental protection technologies.

    This article introduces the working principle of air-source heat pump for heating oil, characteristic and its specific design. And its working principles, advantages and disadvantages, the results of these were introduced. Followed from the principle of heat pump and how vapor compression refrigeration cycle provides a more detailed composition of air-source heat pump and designing method of the underlying. Finally select suitable compressor, throttle devices and auxiliary equipment.

    Key words:  air-source heat pump   design of crude    oil heating

    1 引言 5

    2 油田概述 7

    3 热泵概述 8

    3.1 工作原理 8

    3.2 特点 9

    3.3 热泵发展背景 10

    3.3.1能源政策 10

    3.3.2 环境保护政策 10

    3.3.3 建筑节能法 11

    3.3.4城市能源结构的改变 11

    3.4 总体设计方案的确定 11

    3.4.1 热泵机组类型及选择 11

    3.4.2 热泵机组及其特点 11

    4 换热器的选择 12

    4.1 冷凝器 13

    4.1,1.水冷式冷凝器特点 13

    4.1,2.蒸发式冷凝器特点 13

    4.1.3 空气冷却式冷凝器特点 13

    4.1,4.冷凝器翅片面积计算 14

    4.2 蒸发器 16

    4.2,1 直接蒸发式空气冷却蒸发器 16

    4.2.2 排管式蒸发器 16

    4.2.3蒸发器的选择 17

    4.2.4 .蒸发器面积计算 17

    5 加热石油外管设计 19


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