    摘要: 本文研制的是端子裁切机—传动系统为端子裁切机的折弯系统。其中包括折弯与裁切端子之间连接的细小的片材。需要完成的设计内容有:端子裁切机的传动系统、折弯工站,裁切工站。
    端子裁切机是集自动送料、折弯、裁切中CARRY、剪切等多个工序于一身的自动化设备,可非常方便地与其它自动化设备一起组成流水生产线。本文采用了凸轮传动实现端子的折弯及裁切中CARRY,采用气压传动完成端子的送料及剪切。合理的工作时序图能确保上述各工序间有序进行,互不干涉。在工作时序的控制与实现方面,对应于凸轮的关键角度设置了多个光电传感器以判断当前所执行的工序。 检测信号由PLC接收并控制所有工序的有序、循环执行。 所介绍的工作时序设计方案已经成功应用于对应的端子裁切机中
    毕业论文关键词:端子;裁切机 ; 传动系统;凸轮;折弯;
    Terminal cutting machine - drive system
    In this paper,Is developed in this paper, terminal cutting machine, cutting machine transmission system for the terminal bending system. Including bending and cutting terminal connection between small sheet. Need to complete the design of the contents are: the terminal of the cutting machine transmission system, bending, cutting work station.
     The equipment of terminal cutting is a integration of electrical automation equipment automatic including feeding, bending, CARRY cutting and cutting into seven terminals machine. It is mainly Compose of feeding and cutting machine, power and electronic control components. The author design the motion control part of cutting machine and design the structural. The motion Control design use pneumatic drive and the rational timing diagram; Structural design need to consider feeding mechanical structure, length of feeding control, cutting tool design, achieve shear mechanical structure design and so on. The coordination and synchronization of the cutting machine feeding, bending and cutting is the core technology, The remaining part require synchronization, ultimately leading to the various parts work together. In structure design, analysis the principle of feed mechanism used in the allocation of materials and the feeding STOP position on the use of block allocation spacing screw. Cutting Tool structure should be reasonable and should have sufficient strength and stiffness.
    After the different sports scheme and design of components of qualitative analysis and comparison to determine the terminal of the cutting machine drive system design scheme is: cooperate with sensor and PLC controller in mechanical transmission terminal of high-speed machining. Coming from motor drive power through coupling, bearing is passed to the CAM, again by CAM driven roller bending and cutting tool, the induction bending work station by sensors work process, and outgoing signal to controller, cutter feeding and cutting. Compared with the present domestic same type machining center, has a compact structure, small space dimension, and high production efficiency etc.
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