    ABSTRACT  The blanking bending die design graduation paper first about the bending die stamping play a role in social development now and the future development direction,After make sure the design of bending die, consult relevant books calculate convex concave die cutting edge dimension of the mould,Checking and verification of press, punch strength in the whole process of blanking bending die design, the first part of the whole process is analyzed, including drawing, cutting, bending, and to solve a series of other key issues, and then I draw the part drawing and assembly drawing with CAXA drawing software, embedded in the design specification.The blanking bending parts stamping method must be used for production, using the single work procedure is reasonable, the mold production is given as to meet the requirements of the shape of the workpiece, suitable for mass production;According to the design requirements, we choose the blanking bending mould standard parts, and then the total equipment design drawing, after completion of design of the blanking bending die design completes the summary, learn many things, understand the normal process of stamping die design, enrichment oneself, then thanked the instructor.
    Key words:Stamping bending die;Molding process;Blanking;Bending
    绪  论    1
    第1章  冲压工件的工艺分析    3
    1.1 结构分析    3
    1.2 精度分析    3
    第2章  冲压工艺方案的确定    4
    第3章  主要设计计算    5
    3.1 毛坯尺寸计算    5
    3.2 冲裁模工件部分尺寸计算    5
    3.3 弯曲模工件部分尺寸计算    9
    3.4 压力机公称压力的计算    10
    3.5 冲压设备的选择    10
    第4章  模具的总体设计    12
    4.1 模具类型的选择    12
    4.2 定位方式的选择    12
    4.3 卸料,出件方式的选择    12
    4.4 导向方式的选择    12
    4.5 弹性元件的设计    12
    4.6模架及其他零部件的设计与选用    12
    第5章  模具总装图    14
    第6章  模具的装配    16
    6.1装配前的准备    16
    6.2装配模柄    16
    6.3装配凸模    16
    6.4装配下模    16
    6.5安装凹模    16
    6.6试切    16
    6.7装配其他零件    17
    第7章  凹模零件加工程序    18
    结束语 45
    致谢 46
  1. 上一篇:H型铁芯冲片的冲压模具设计
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