    摘要: 在城市改造过程中,经常出现现有建筑物和规划之间矛盾的问题。这其中是一些古建筑,属于保护文物;另一些是建造时间不长的建筑物,具有很大的实用价值,对其拆除,其损失难以估计。本论文就古建筑的迁移设计,通过参考现有资料,Solidworks三文建模,CAD二文制图,各部分计算校正综合研究了古建筑迁移过程中的实时监测系统。实时监测系统对古建筑遗址的迁移起着至关重要的作用,它有效的保证了古建筑的平稳移动与结构安全。在本文中,主要研究内容包括以下方面:根据工况确定可供选择的方案;传感器的选择与设计方案及其结构、安装联接设计;实时监测系统的组成设计以及软硬件设计;总体设计等。通过本设计,对古建筑遗址(地基)迁移机组进行实时监测,研究采取相应的控制策略,使古建筑平稳迁移的同时其结构免受损伤。21246
    Remains of ancient architecture foundation transfer design of real time monitoring system of units
    Abstract: It is often appears the problem between the existing building and planning in the process of city construction. Some are ancient buildings are the protection of cultural relics; the others are the buildings that built only less time. They all have big value. If we demolish the buildings, and the loss is difficult to estimate. The article of ancient architecture design researches the comprehensive study of the real time monitoring system of ancient architecture in the migration process by referencing Material, Solidworks three dimensional modeling, CAD two-dimensional engineering drawing, correction computation. Real time monitoring system plays a crucial role in the migration of ancient architecture foundation, which guarantees the stable movement and the structural safety of ancient buildings. In this paper, the main research contents include the following aspects: options are determined according to the condition; Sensor selection and its design scheme and the structure design, installation and connection; Composition design of real-time monitoring system and the design of hardware and software; the overall design. Through this design, the remains of ancient architecture foundation transfer unit for real-time monitoring, research and take corresponding control strategy, the steady migration of ancient buildings and structures from damage.
    Key Words:Architecture foundation; migration system; sensor; real time monitoring

    目  录
    古建筑遗址迁移机组实时监测系统设计    2
    1.    绪论    1
    1.1    古建筑遗址(地基)迁移机组实时监测系统设计的意义与目的    1
    1.2    国内外建筑物迁移现状    1
    1.3    古建筑遗址(地基)迁移机组实时监测系统原始条件及数据    2
    2.    古建筑遗址(地基)迁移机组实时监测系统结构设计    3
    2.1    实时监测系统框图    3
    2.2    传感器选择目的以及类型的确定    3
    2.3    位移传感器的选择与设计方案    4
    2.3.1    方案论证    4
    2.3.2    位移传感器主要参数的确定    5
    2.3.3    位移传感器的数量与位置布置    7
    2.4    牵引力传感器的选择与设计方案    8
    2.4.1    方案论证    8
    2.4.2    牵引力传感器主要参数的确定    9
    2.5    分析软件    11
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