    Multi line color automatic wire feeding and cutting mechanism
    Abstract:With the development of the industry, China has entered a more competitive environment in the automatic terminal machine. Looking at the world, in various electronic exhibitions, the requirements for the automatic terminal machine has entered a more functional and efficiency era. But at present, many enterprises in China are producing low efficiency and high labor costs in the production of line. In the automatic terminal machine, the wire transportation mechanism is one of the most effective means of improving the productivity.
        In this paper, the multi line color automatic wire feeding and cutting mechanism is studied. From the development of domestic and foreign , straightening machine, wire feeding mechanism, the wire clip, cutting mechanism, the wire frame were designed. The multi line color automatic wire feeding and cutting mechanism can transport 30 wires with different color and wire diameter, and greatly improve the efficiency of the wire feeding mechanism which is transported by a single color wire.
    Key words:Multi color line; alignment; wire; wire processing equipment
    1绪论    1
    1.1引言    1
    1.2线束及全自动端子机概述    1
    1.2.1线束简介    1
    1.2.2线束的生产流程    1
    1.2.3设备制造企业的发展    2
    1.2.4全自动端子压着设备    2
    1.3全自动多线色送线压接插植机    3
    1.4意义    4
    1.5多线色送线机构国内外相关研究进展    5
    2多色送线裁剪机整体方案设计    6
    2.1课题任务    6
    2.2整体布局    6
    2.3出线桶架    7
    2.4具体控制过程    8
    3校直台传动机构设计    9
    3. 1用平行辊矫直线材的机理分析    9
    3.2滚轮的选型    11
    3. 3转接板强度、刚度的校核    12
    3. 3.1有限元分析法概述    12
    3. 3.2有限元模型的建立    13
    3. 3.3网格划分    13
    3. 3.4约束加载    13
    3. 3.5有限元计算结果分析    14
    3.4校直台线性模组的选择    15
    3.5校直台伺服电机的选型    17
    4送线台传动机构设计    18
    4.1送线台齿轮同步带传动的选型    19
    4.1.1同步带概述    19
    4.1.2同步带传动的设计    20
    4.2送线台伺服电机的选型    24
    4.3编码器选型    24
    4.4气动滑台的选型    25
    4.4.1使用型号    25
    4.4.2动能    25
    4.4.3负载率    26
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