    The Design of E201 Lye heat exchanger
    Abstract: In industrial production, the device which can make the material transfer their heat called heat exchanger. It is process equipment in chemical, oil refining, power, atomic energy, and many other industrial. For the rapid development of the chemical, oil refining and other industrial, the heat exchanger is particularly important. Usually in the construction of the chemical plants, heat exchanger accounted for about 10-20% of the total investment. In oil refinery, heat exchanger accounted for about 35-40% of all process equipment investment. In the heat exchanger equipment, the most widely used is the tube-shell heat exchanger. At present, this kind of heat exchanger is used as a traditional standard heat exchanger, is widely used in many industrial departments. Especially in chemical production, whether domestic or abroad, in all of the heat exchanger equipment, it is still dominant. This design through the understanding of the heat exchanger, designed a Lye heat exchanger transfer.
    Key words: shell and tube heat exchanger; fixed tube-sheet exchanger; Stress Analysis; the structure design
    1绪论    1
    1.1 课题介绍    1
    1.2课题研究的意义    1
    1.3换热器的发展趋势    2
    1.3.1国内发展    2
    1.3.2国外换热器发展    3
    2固定管板式换热器工艺计算    4
    2.1流程安排    4
    2.2工艺计算    4
    2.2.1 设计任务与条件    4
    2.2.2 选择材料    5
    2.2.3 选择管径    5
    2.2.5传热管排列和分程方法    6
    2.2.7 折流板    8
    2.2.8拉杆和定距管的确定    9
    2.2.9防冲板相关尺寸参数    10
    3  强度计算    11
    3.1壳程筒体壁厚计算    11
    3.1.1壳程筒体壁厚水压试验    12
    3.2管程封头厚度计算及校核    13
    3.2.1 水压试验    15
    3.3管箱短节厚度计算及校核    15
    3.3.1水压试验应力校核    16
    3.4管程接管壁厚计算及校核    16
    3.5壳程接管壁厚计算及校核    17
    4  管板的设计及校核    18
    4.1  计算管板厚度    18
    4.2  管板结构尺寸    19
    4.3 管板校核计算    20
    5细部结构设计    28
    5.1接管设计    28
    5.1.1 接管要求    28
    5.1.2 接管位置尺寸    28
    5.2法兰选择    29
    5.2.1 管箱法兰选择    29
    5.2.2 管箱接管法兰设计    30
    5.2.3 壳体接管法兰    31
    5.3 垫片选择    32
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