    Design of the Water - toluene Heat Exchanger
    Abstract:Heat exchanger is a kind of two or more different temperature between fluid heat transfer between the material energy saving equipment, is made from high fluid heat transfer to the lower temperature of fluid, the fluid temperature can reach the indexes of the flow rules, so as to meet the needs of process conditions, as well as one of the main equipment of energy efficiency. So this article mainly introduces the heat exchange between toluene and water, and mainly adopts the structure of floating head heat exchanger. From the body of the heat exchanger structure, material selection and heat transfer in GB151-2011 "pressure vessel" standard of floating head heat exchanger for thermodynamic calculation, structure design and components selection calculation.
    KeyWords:water - toluene;heat exchanger;floating head
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    2 换热器热力计算    4
    2.1 物性参数计算    4
    2.2 热力计算    4
    2.2.1 确定物性数据    4
    2.2.2 热量衡算    5
    2.2.3 流动空间及流速的测定    5
    2.2.4 计算总传热系数    5
    2.2.5 换热器核算    8
    2.2.6 阻力计算    10
    3 换热器材料选择    12
    4 换热器结构计算    14
    4.1 壳体、管箱壳体和封头的尺寸及重量    14
    4.1.1 壁厚的确定    14
    4.2 接管和开孔补强    15
    4.2.1 接管伸出长度    15
    4.2.2 壁厚的确定    15
    4.2.3 接管与壳体、管箱壳体的连接    16
    4.2.4 开孔补强    17
    4.2.5  壳体接管位置最小尺寸    26
    4.2.6  管箱接管位置最小尺寸    27
    4.3  折流板    27
    4.3.1  折流板的形式    27
    4.3.2  折流板缺边位置尺寸    28
    4.3.3  折流板的布置    28
    4.3.4  折流板的尺寸    29
    4.4  防冲板    30
    4.4.1  防冲板的用途及其设置条件    30
    4.4.2  防冲板的形式    30
    4.5  拉杆    31
    4.5.1  拉杆的结构形式    31
    4.5.2  拉杆尺寸、数量和重量    32
    4.5.3  定距管尺寸    32
    4.6  换热管    32
    4.6.1  换热管排列形式    32
    4.6.2  换热管中心距    32
    4.6.3  壳体内表面与管束最外层换热管外表面的距离    32
    4.6.4  换热管与防冲板间的距离    33
    4.6.5  换热管排列原则    33
    4.6.6  换热管排列图    33
    4.7  管板    33
    4.7.1  管板结构    33
    4.7.2  管板与换热器的连接    34
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