    Design of the Ammonia Evaporator
    Abstract:The heat exchanger is a kind of heat transfer between material of energy-saving equipment, for the first time, the world energy crisis since the outbreak of the countries are in great force to find new sources of energy and on energy saving and a new path for the study of. In the case of the research into the large and human resources, a group of representative high efficiency heat exchangers and enhanced heat transfer components are born.. Therefore, this paper focuses on the evaporator in the modern industrial and agricultural production is widely used and research progress at home and abroad and direction, domestic and foreign research direction to change the micro heat exchangers and heat transfer enhancement in two directions. From the aspects of heat exchanger of the main structure, material selection and heat transfer and so on GB150-2011 "pressure vessels" in accordance with the standard of ammonia evaporator for structural design calculation, component selection calculation and thermodynamic calculation.
    KeyWords:ammonia evaporator;heat transfer;effective of heat transfer;
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    2  氨蒸发器热力计算    5
    2.1  物性参数    5
    2.2  热量衡算    5
    2.3  流动空间及速度的测定    6
    2.4  计算总传热系数    6
    2.5  换热器核算    10
    2.6  阻力计算    12
    3  氨蒸发器主体结构设计    14
    3.1  选择材料    14
    3.2  壳体、管箱壳体和封头的厚度    14
    3.2.1  壳体厚度的计算    15
    3.2.2  管箱的厚度计算    16
    3.2.3  封头的形式及壁厚计算    17
    3.3  接管和开孔补强    17
    3.3.1  接管    17
    3.3.2  开孔补强    19
    3.3.3  壳程接管位置最小尺寸    28
    3.3.4  管箱接管位置最小尺寸    29
    3.4  折流板或支承板    29
    3.4.1  折流板或支承板的形式    29
    3.4.2  折流板缺边位置尺寸    29
    3.4.3  折流板的布置    30
    3.4.4  折流板的尺寸    31
    3.4.5  折流板重量计算    32
    3.5  防冲板    32
    3.5.1  防冲板的用途及设置条件    32
    3.5.2  防冲板的形式    33
    3.6  旁路挡板    34
    3.7  拉杆    34
    3.7.1  拉杆的结构形式    34
    3.7.2  拉杆直径和数量    34
    3.7.3  拉杆尺寸和质量    34
    3.7.4  定距管尺寸    35
    3.8  换热管    35
    3.8.1  换热管尺寸公差    35
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