



    The design of fixed tube plate heat exchanger BEMB600-2.5-1.5-180-9/20-4l

    Abstract:Heat transmission equipment is a typical equipment , which is widely used in chemical industry,oil,refining,power,energy,metallurgy,food,machinery and building industry. The constructing cost ratio of general heat transmission equipment in the chemical industry and oil refining can reach 20%. Thererfore,no matter from energy use for heat exchange operation is a common sectors, especially in the petroleum, chemical production more widely used。

       In all kinds heat exchange,as tubular heat exchange can provide large heat exchange area per unit volume,heat transfer effect is good,adaptability is strong ,elasticity of operation is big,easy to manufactuer ,its cost low,easy to maintenance and elasticity of operation is big,The aim of this design is based on the design . According to GB151-1999 ‘shell and tube heat exchangers’, GB150-1998 ‘Steel Pressure Vessels’ for design, including the following four sections: literature review, heat transfer process calculation, strength check CAD drawings。

    Key words:  heat exchange;process design

    目 录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1研究的目的和意义 1

    1.2换热器的结构及其分类 3

    1.2.1换热器的结构 3

    1.3 国内外发展状况 5

    1.3.1国内发展状况 5

    1.3.2 国外发展状况 5

    1.3.3 固定管壳式换热器的特点及要点 6

    1.4 发展方向 7

    2传热工艺的计算 8

    2.1  原始数据 8

    2.2流体走向的确定 8

    2.3  流体的物性参数 9

    2.3传热量及平均温差 10

      2.4估算传热面积及传热面结构(初步结构计算) 12

      2.5管程计算 15

    2.6壳程结构及壳程计算 16

    2.6 需用传热面积 23

    2.7 阻力计算 24

    3换热器结构设计 28

    3.1筒体 28

        3.1.1材料的选取 28

    3.1.2结构尺寸 29


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