    Title   Loitering munition and its release in the preliminary design                                      
    Loitering munition is a new kind of weapon which can realize the action of cruise and precision strike . In view of the present research of worldwide Loitering munitions and the development trend of loitering munition in the future,Because of no clear design system of loitering munition, So this topic borrowed from the design theory of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for a specific function of loitering munition has carried on the preliminary design as a whole. Overall design content includes the take-off weight, empty weight and fuel weight, wing, flaps, tail related design, the choice of the overall aerodynamic layout, the fuselage and the design of the landing gear and so on. Finally the feasibility of the scheme is verified by center of gravity estimation. At the end of the article, this paper discusses the loitering munition engine installation methods and means of transmission. Software work mainly for the landing gear of 3 d drawing and the drawing of some scatter diagram. Finally the paper did some discusses to design schemes, and formed a set of feasible design scheme.
    Keywords: Loitering munition, Overall design Weight estimation, Means of transmission
    目   次
    1引言    1
    1.1 研究意义    1
    1.2 国内外巡飞弹研究现状    1
    1.3 本文研究内容    3
    2 重量估算    4
    2.1 空机重量系数确定    5
    2.2 燃油重量系数确定    7
    2.3 起飞重量系数确定    9
    3 推重比和翼载的确定    11
    3.1 推重比的确定    11
    3.2 翼载的确定    12
    4 气动布局的选择    15
    5 气动设计    16
    5.1 机翼设计    16
    5.2 副翼设计    20
    5.3 尾翼设计    20
    6 机身设计    24
    6.1 机身参数确定    24
    6.2 机身截面形状确定    25
    7 起落架设计    25
    7.1 起落架形式确定    26
    7.2 起落架是否收起确定    27
    7.3 起落架安装位置确定    27
    7.4 起落架几何参数确定    27
    8 重心估算    29
    8.1 定义机身坐标    29
    8.2 全机重心估算    30
    9 发动机安装方式确定    32
    10 发射方式    33
    结  论    36
    致  谢    38
    附录A    40
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