    摘要:随着我国铁路货车往高速重载方向发展,重载运输专线的建设,部分区段的轴重将有很多大的发展空间, 重载运输已经成为我国铁路运输的主要发展方向。根据国外重载运输的经验表明,增加铁路货车的轴重是提高铁路运能的有效途径。目前我国铁路货车最大轴重为25t,与世界重载运输的发达国家之间存在很大的差距,研制开发与中国线路运行条件相匹配,适合中国国情的30t 轴重重载货车转向架,带动我国重载运输已是迫在眉睫。20703
    此次30t轴重货车转向架摇枕结构设计是在我国现有的25t轴重货车转向架的基础上进行分析设计的。摇枕材质为优质C 级钢,采用直径为 406mm 的下心盘和尼龙心盘磨耗盘;采用双作用常接触性弹性旁承;最大单件重量约为 700Kg。该摇枕适用于标准的1435mm 轨距铁路,设计承载的静载荷强度(轴重)为 30t,最高商业运营速度 80km/h。  
    毕业论文关键词: 重载货车;转向架;摇枕;有限元分析
    30t axle load freight train bogie bolster structure design
     Abstract:With the development of China's rail wagons to the direction of high-speed
    heavy, construction of overloaded transport line. Some axle load sections will have a lot of
    room for development. Heavy transport has become the main development direction of China's
    railway transportation. According to foreign heavy transport experience, increasing the axle
    load of railway wagons is an effective way to improve the railway transport capacity. At
    present, China's largest axle load of railway wagon is 25t, there is still a big gap between China
    and the developed countries on overloaded transport. Developing 30t axle load trains bogie that
    matches the Chinese operating rail line conditions to drive our heavy transport is imminent.
    The bogie bolster design of 30t axle train is on the basis of 25t axle load train bogie, the
    bolster is made of high quality C grade steel, with a diameter of 406mm under the center plate
    and Nylon wear plate. Double-acting Regular contact Side bearing fix on the bolster. The
    maximum weight of a single bolster is about 700Kg. The bolster applies to 1435mm gauge
    standard railway. Its design static load bearing strength (the Axle) is 30t with Maximum
    Commercial operating speed of 80km / h.
     Keyword: overloaded train; bogie; bolster; Finite Element Analysis
    1.  绪论 .  1
    1.1.  选题的背景与意义  ..  1
    1.2.  课题的研究范围及技术要求  ..  1
    1.3.  配摇枕货车转向架的发展历程    2
    1.4.  本人主要的设计分析内容    3
    2.  概述 .  3
    3.  摇枕的结构设计 ...  4
    3.1.  摇枕的结构设计包括摇枕主体及摇枕安装件的结构设计  ..  4
    3.2.  摇枕部分部件安装件结构    5
    3.2.1. 双作用常接触弹性旁承    5
    3.2.2. 下心盘  ..  6
    3.2.3. 心盘磨耗盘  ..  6
    3.2.4. 中央悬挂系统两级刚度弹簧    6
    3.3.  摇枕结构的强度    7
    3.3.1. 主要承受的载荷  ..  7
    3.3.2. 摇枕结构强度实验    8
    4.  摇枕材料的选择和结构设计 .  8
    4.1.  摇枕材料选择  ..  8
    4.2.  摇枕结构选型设计  ..  8
    4.3.  摇枕部分安装结构材料和尺寸设计    8
    4.3.1  双作用常接触弹性旁承设计    9
    4.3.2  双作用常接触性弹性旁承材料  ..  9
    4.3.3  下心盘,心盘磨耗盘尺寸  .  10
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