

    本课题针对25t轴重下交叉支撑转向架(定型为转K6型转向架),它适用于标准轨距、25t轴重、商业运营速度120km/h的各型通用铁路货车,也可用于大秦线25t轴重专用运煤敞车。本文将利用Solidworks软件精确建立零部件的三维实体模型,赋予各个组件和零件密度,由软件自动计算出各组件的质量、转动惯量和质心位置。最后将各个组件按实际位置装配好,完成车辆系统刚体模型的虚拟装配,同时利用Solidworks软件自带的Motion 算例软件对其运动仿真,最后用Solidworks软件自带的有限元分析软件(Simulation)对模型进行模态分析,校核转向架基础零部件的强度是否符合运行要求。

    毕业论文关键词:货车转向架; 转K6; 三维建模 ;运动仿真分析 ;强度校核


    Railway wagon bogie are key components in railway truck, it is an independent component in the vehicle and have a strong adaptability for various vehicle. Multiaxial structure generally adopt the bogie of a vehicle. The two and more than a few rounds of with special frame and bolster consisting of a tractor, known as the bogie. Generally,a car has two truck with before and behind.It can rotate between car body and the bogie. Bogie is the function of inherit and transmission between vehicles in running all kinds of dynamic load and wheel rail force; It can guarantee that truck within the scope of regulation speed safely run on straight line and curve segment, and with good quality and sufficient reliability and safety,transferring traction and implementing the brake function of vehicle, to ensure driving safety.

    This topic for 25 t axle load under cross sustaining bogie type, (finalize the design for the K6 bogie), it is suitable for the standard gauge, 25 t axle load, commercial operation speed of 120 km/h each general railway wagon, can also be used for 25 ton axle load dedicated coal gondola car. This article will use the Solidworks software accurate parts 3 d entity model, gives the inpidual components and component density, calculated by the software automatically the quality of the components, the moment of inertia, and center of mass position. Finally each component will be assembled according to the actual position, the virtual assembly of complete vehicles system of rigid body model, at the same time using Solidworks software on its own Motion example software movement Simulation, finally use Solidworks software comes with finite element analysis software (Simulation) model for modal analysis, to check whether the strength of the bogie base components conform to the requirements of the operation.

    Keywords: Freight Car K 6;  3D Modeling;  Strength check;Motion Simulation Analysis   


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2国内外货车转向架发展概况及发展趋势 2

    1.2.1国内货车转向架产品的发展概况 2

    1.2.2国外货车转向架产品的发展概况 3


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