        本次设计主要针对数控车床自动上下料机构的换料过程,掌握复杂结构CAD或NX UG的二文或三文造型,掌握一种二文或三文基本的工程绘图软件的使用和基本的结构设计,分析工件由生产线到工作台的运动过程。合理设计机械换料臂机构,并考虑设计的实用性和应用场合,并根据原材料尺寸的不同调节机械臂输送结构使之能输送不同的原材料。主要包括由丝杆、水平直线导轨、链条、链轮等部件构成的机械传动系统,机械手手臂,换料机械手,由伺服电机、液压传动系统等组成的驱动系统等。
    CNC lathe automatic loading and unloading mechanism design refueling
    Abstract: With the needs of the development of industrial automation , robots are more and more important in industrial applications . .It solves the handling of heavy artifacts often appears in industrial production and frequent, monotonous operation for a long time, but also improves the production speed of workpiece, so the use of the manipulator is very efficient, and to a feeding manipulator is designed in this paper.
        The design is mainly for refueling process CNC lathe automatic loading and unloading mechanism, grasp the two-dimensional or three-dimensional modeling of complex structures or NX UG CAD, master of a two-dimensional or three-dimensional engineering drawings using basic software and basic structural design, analysis of artifacts from the production line to the movement of the table. Rational design of mechanical refueling arm mechanism, and to consider the usefulness and application design and adjust arm depending on the raw materials in the size of the transfer structure of the different materials can be conveyed.Including mechanical transmission by a screw, horizontal linear guides, chains, sprockets and other components constituted robot arm, refueling robot, driven by a servo motor system, hydraulic system and so on and so on.
    Through this design, the integrated use of theoretical knowledge of the past to improve the theory and practice and comprehensive analysis capabilities, the ability to develop complex structural engineering practice computer-aided design and manufacturing, training, and improve basic skills of CAD, the subject to train our actual three-dimensional design of mechanical parts and CNC machining process design mainly, but also understand the five-axis CNC machine tools and methods of use.
    Keywords: CNC lathes;Automatic loading and unloading;Refueling structure
    目  录
        1 绪论 1
    1.1 课题背景 1
    1.2 选题的目的和意义 2
    1.3 工业机械手的概述 3
      1.3.1 工业机械手在生产中的应用 3
      1.3.2 机械手的组成与简介 3
        2 机构设计的基本说明 4
    2.1 机构的特性描述 4
    2.2 机构的组成架构 5
    2.3 机构的动态性能 5
    3 换料结构的总体设计 6
    3.1 原始条件及数据 6
    3.2 设计的技术要求 6
    3.3 总体设计 6
        4 换料结构的设计计算 7
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