    关键词: 弯曲;级进模;冲压
    The forming process and mould design of the the fire annihilator pipe’s medium thickness plate racks
    Abstract: This article introduces is the progressive die of bending of the the fire annihilator pipe’s medium thickness plate racks. This mold example has the advantage of simple structure, easy to use and reliable. First launches the size according to the work piece graphic calculation work piece. Again acts according to launches the size to calculate the center of pressure, material use factor, drawing layout diagram of this components; Next on the basis of convex-concave mold different manufacture method and stamping process project calculate the convex-concave cutting edge size, pressing force, choicing the stamping equipment. According to the requirements of the component geometry shape and size analysis, carries on the convex-concave mold structural design, finally system design. After all parameters calculated, the mold assembly plan, the major parts design and the matching requirement have to analyse. In design process besides design specification, also includes the mold’s assembly drawing, non-standard letter detail drawing.
    Key words: bending; progressive die; stamping
    目  录
    前 言1
    1  冲裁弯曲件的工艺设计3
    2  确定工艺方案及模具的结构4
    3  模具总体结构设计5
    3.1  刃口尺寸计算的基本原则5
    3.2  刃口尺寸的计算5
    3.3  计算凸、凹模刃口的尺寸5
    3.4  冲裁刃口高度5
    4  模具设计工艺计算6
    4.1  计算毛坯尺寸6
    4.2  排样、计算条料宽度及步距的确定7
    4.2.1  排样7
    4.2.2  搭边值的确定8
    4.2.3  条料宽度的确定9
    4.2.4  送料步距的确定10
    4.2.5  材料利用率的计算10
    5  冲裁力的计算11
    5.1  计算冲裁力的公式11
    5.2  总冲裁力、卸料力、推料力、顶件力、弯曲力之和为总冲压力11
    5.2.1  冲裁力11
    5.2.2  卸料力F_卸的计算12
    5.2.3  推料力F_推的计算12
    5.2.4  顶件力F_顶的计算13
    5.2.5  弯曲力F_C的计算13
    5.2.6  总的冲压力的计算14
    6  模具压力中心与计算.16
    7  冲裁间隙的确定17 8  刃口尺寸的计算.19
    8.1  刃口尺寸计算的基本原则19
    8.2  刃口尺寸的计算19
    8.3  计算凸、凹模刃口的尺寸20
    8.4  冲裁刃口高度21
    8.5  弯曲部分刃口尺寸的计算22
    8.5.1  最小弯曲半径22
    8.5.2  弯曲部分工作尺寸的计算22
    9  主要零部件的设计26
    9.1  工作零件的设计26
    9.1.1  凹模的设计26
    9.1.2  冲孔凸模的设计28
    9.1.3  弯曲凸模的设计28
    9.1.4  凸凹模的设计29
    9.2  模架及其他零部件的设计30
    9.2.1  模架30
    9.2.2  模柄30
    9.2.3  模具的闭合高度31
    10  模具总装图32
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