

        在启动泵之前先需要向泵内注入密封水启动泵之后,原动机带动泵轴,轴带动叶轮叶轮会在泵内搅动液体,并通过离心力将液体向四周甩出这样泵的内腔就会形成真空,在大气压的作用下进口处的液体会被吸入泵内,被叶轮甩向压水室,压水室内的液体会被新甩入压水室的液体挤压,向着低压处流动,这样不断循环,将液体由 出输送到 处如果在启动泵之前没有注入密封水,叶轮就会带动空气转动,空气的质量很小,不会被离心力甩向压水室,这样内腔就不会形成真空,泵就会失效。

    毕业论文关键词:消防  水泵  机械设计  水泵建模


    Mechanical driving force of the pump is to convert the energy output by the energy required to transport fluid machines. Pump is used to increase the height of the liquid, pressure and so on. Driven by the prime mover to operate the impeller shaft, the medium acting on the pump, so that its height increase or pressure increase, so that the desired liquid needs to reach the state of people. 

    Before starting the pump needs to pump seal water injected after starting the pump, prime mover drive shaft, drive shaft impeller will stir liquid in the pump and to the surrounding liquid by centrifugal force will throw this pump cavity will from vacuum, under the effect of atmospheric pressure at the inlet of the liquid will be sucked into the pump, pressurized water to be thrown to the impeller chamber, pressurized water chamber liquid will be thrown into the new pressurized water chamber liquid squeezed toward the low pressure at the flow, so continue circulation, the liquid from the transport everywhere if you start out before the pump seal water is not injected, it will drive the air impeller rotation, the air quality is very small and will not be thrown to the centrifugal force pressurized water chamber, so that it will not from a vacuum chamber, pump will fail.

    Keywords: Firefighting     Pump     Mechanical Design            Pump Modeling


    第一章  绪论 6

    1.1 泵的定义和分类 6

    1.1.1泵的定义 6

    1.2叶片式泵的结构形式以及主要部件 7

    1.2.1叶片式泵的结构形式 7

    1.2.2叶片泵的主体过流部件 8

    1.3泵汽蚀现象概述 8

    1.3.1汽蚀的四种类型 8

    1.3.2泵内汽蚀过程 9

    1.3.3泵产生汽蚀时的现象 9

    1.4泵的用途 10

    1.5速度系数法的应用 10

    第二章  总体设计原则 12

    2.1泵的基本参数 12

    2.2 确定比转数 12

    2.3 确定泵进、出口直径 12

    2.4 确定效率和功率以及电动机的选择 13

    2.5联轴器处轴径的初步确定及轴的结构设计 14

    第三章 水利设计(速度系数法)

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