    关键词: 振动压路机;传动系统;液压
    Design of YZ18 vibratory roller transmission system
    Abstract:Vibratory roller is a kind of high efficient compaction machinery, widely used in road construction.
    Our road roller, the overall technical level compared with foreign countries there are still gaps, mainly reflected in: product model is not full, heavy and the number and variety of the production of ultra heavy rollers is still small, the lack of specialcompaction equipment, comprehensive technical and economic indicators and automatic control is still below the national and international advanced level.
    Based on the theoretical analysis and calculation, the design of main parts of18T vibratory roller transmission and transfer case, the full hydraulic transmission scheme, achieve walking, vibration and turned to the three basic functions of the3 independent hydraulic circuit, compared with the mechanical transmission hasmore advantages in the compaction effect climbing ability, quality, distribution,operation control and the overall layout.
    KeyWords:vibration road roller;  transmission system;  hydraulic
    目  录
    1绪论    1
    1.1压实机械简介    1
    1.1.1压实机械发展简史    1
    1.1.2压实机械的分类    1
    1.2国内外压实机械和压实技术的发展概况    2
    1.2.1国内压实机械和压实技术发展概况    2
    1.2.2国外压实机械和压实技术现状    3
    1.2.3压实机械的发展趋势    4
    1.3压路机发展的最新技术和趋势    6
    1.4课题的提出和主要研究内容    7
    1.4.1 18T振动压路机研究意义    7
    1.4.2 18T振动压路机设计的主要内容    8
    2.YZ18振动压路机传动系统设计    9
    2.1 主要系统的设计方案    9
    2.1.1 传动系统的设计方案    9
    2.1.2转向及车架的结构设计方案    10
    2.1.3 振动液压系统的设计方案    11
    2.2基本参数的确定    12
    2.2.1名义振幅    12
    2.2.2振动频率    13
    2.2.3振动加速度    13
    2.2.4 振动轮质量和机架质量比    14
    2.2.5 工作速度    14
    2.3 功率计算及发动机选型    14
    2.3.1 行走系统功率计算    15
    2.3.2 振动系统功率计算    16
    2.3.3 转向系统功率计算    16
    2.3.4 振动压路机的功率组合及发动机功率的确定    17
    3.振动压路机液压系统设计    18
    3.1行走驱动液压系统设计    18
    3.2振动液压传动系统设计    21
    3.3转向液压传动系统设计    23
    3.4元器件的选择    25
    4.分动箱的设计计算    28
    4.1总传动比确定及各级传动比分配    28
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