

    毕业论文关键词:高方平筛  偏心距  偏重块  设计  建模


    Title The Exciting Device Design and Simulation for the Square Plansifter

    Abstract Square Plansifter,who has multi-storey surface placed horizontally, is the uppermost and most extensively adoptive equipment for filtrating and grading in the modern flour milling industry. As the device is working at a vibration frequency a lot higher than the low-order inherent frequency of the system, there is a resonance phenomenon in the sieve parking process, which will cause that the work performance and lifespan of the device is greatly reduced. Aiming at the square plansifter of FSFG8×24F, this paper designs a new exciting device with the function of self-adjusting eccentricity: Through the design of spring device, reduce the exciting force of the device at resonant state, thus eliminate the resonance. According to the request of design, this paper completes the following tasks, including mainly the structure design of the eccentric object and the spring device, the linking form of the eccentric object with the body of plansifter. Based on that, with the software of Solidworks and AutoCAD, the three-dimensional assemble model, planar assemble model diagram and spare parts diagram of the whole driving device are obtained respectively. 

    Keywords: square plansifter    eccentric distance    eccentric object  

    design    modeling  

    1. 目录

    2. 绪论 5

    2.1 课题研究的工业背景 5

    2.2 本课题研究的价值及主要工作 7

    3. 新型激振器的总体方案设计 9

    3.1 传动机构调节机制 9

    3.2 新型激振装置的工作原理 10

    3.3 弹簧装置连接形式的选择 12

    4. 设计计算 12

    4.1 偏重块各参数的确定 12

    4.2 弹簧各参数的确定 14

    4.3 销轴各参数的确定 18

    4.4 传动轴的受力分析与强度校核 18


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