    关键词  自旋导弹  稳定性  操纵性   阻尼回路  转速
    Title  The spin artillery missiles stability and control
    analysis and simulation
    Spin artillery missiles is one of the main research directions in the field of modern weapons,its stability and maneuverability research is an important part of the overall design.The graduate design research dynamic characteristics of  spin missiles,And the establishment of a spin missile  dynamics model thus obtained through  linearization of perturbation equations of motion, and then strike a transfer function.In an example of a spin-missile,Stability analysis use computational parameters missiles, and through theoretical analysis to verify the various kinetic coefficients are different for dynamic stability affect.Designed the damping circuit to adjust underdamped system,and then contrast underdamped and join damping circuit.When giving the system a step deflection control mechanism, the system angle of attack, roll angular velocity output response chart,and in order to analyze the system handling, through comparative analysis shows that a reasonable choice damping control mechanism can improve the quality of transition.
    Combined with the speed determined by the classical method to determine the missile speed range,And verify that there is an optimal speed missile conclusion thus get the optimal speed of a spin-projectile.Finally, the dynamic characteristics of the missile several requests summarized and analyzed, draw relevant conclusions.
    Keywords  The spin artillery missiles , stability, Maneuverability, Damping circuit, Rotational speed
     目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  背景及意义    1
    1.2  发展现状及趋势    1
    1.3  本文研究内容    3
    2  自旋炮射导弹动力学建模[15]    5
    2.2  求解自旋导弹的传递函数    22
    3  自旋导弹的操纵性与稳定性分析    25
    3.1  基本概念    25
    3.2  稳定性和操纵性分析    25
    4  阻尼回路设计    35
    4.1  舵偏角对攻角输出响应    35
    4.2  设计阻尼回路    39
    5  设计最优转速    46
    5.1  初步确定转速范围    46
    5.2  确定最优转速的方法    46
    6  导弹动态特性的参数要求    50
    结  论    52
    致  谢    53
    参考文献    54
    1  绪论
    1.1  背景及意义
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