
    摘要作为现代防空武器领域的重要成员,高射炮正朝着小口径化、自行化、炮弹制导化的方向发展。近年,随着计算机技术和精确制导技术和火箭发动机技术的飞跃发展,高射炮也焕发了新的生命力。用高射炮发射的火箭增程弹最适应反导作战,与传统高射炮发射的普通弹药相比,炮射火箭弹可短时间发射多枚炮弹,弹丸射速快,散布范围大,杀伤概率高,对隐形飞机、武装直升机、巡航导弹等造成重大打击。本文进行了76mm炮射火箭发动机的完整设计,研究了单孔管装药的装药设计,完成了发动机燃烧室、喷管等设计和计算,设计了Visual Basic计算与分析程序,进行了内弹道计算与特性分析得到燃烧室压强随时间的变化规律曲线图。并且根据要求完成5发拦截弹的外弹道计算与分析,并绘出弹道曲线图。60230

    关键词  76毫米固体火箭发动机 装药设计 内弹道计算 外弹道计算 


    Title       The Design of the Artillery Rocket Engine                    

    Abstract As an important member in the field of modern air defense weapons, flak develops toward small-caliber, self-oriented and guidance of shells. In recent years, as computer technology and precision guidance technology and the rapid development of rocket engine technology, flak also radiate a new vitality. Compared with the traditional flak, Rocket-extended-range flak is adapted to antimissile operations. Artillery rockets can be fired more artillery in short time,projectile speed fast, spread rangely, high kill probability. Flak will caused major blow on stealth aircraft, helicopter gunships, and missiles. This article conducted a full 76mm artillery rocket engine design about study the grain design, completed the design and calculation of engine combustion chamber and nozzle, writing calculation and analysis procedures in Visual Basic to obtain chamber pressure variation. According to required, I complete five intercept shells` outer ballistic calculation and analysis, and draw the trajectory curve.

    Keywords 76mm-Solid Rocket Engine  the design of grain  interior ballistics calculation   external ballistics calculations

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  固体火箭发动机总体设计概述 1

    1.1.1  高射炮、火箭弹的发展趋势 1

    1.1.2  火箭弹的基本组成及特点 2

    1.2  火箭发动机主要技术要求 3

    1.3  本文主要研究思路 3

    2  固体火箭发动机装药设计 4

    2.1  推进剂型号选择[7] 4

    2.2  装药药型选择 5

    2.3  单孔管装药的装药设计 7

    2.4  装药几何参数计算结果 9

    3  固体火箭发动机的结构设计 10

    3.1  燃烧室设计 10

    3.1.1燃烧室壳体设计 10

    3.2.2燃烧室壳体材料选择 11

    3.2.3燃烧体课题壁厚计算 12

    3.2.4挡药板设计 13

    3.2.5连接结构 13

    3.2.6封头尺寸计算 13


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