

    毕业论文关键词  120迫弹旋转实验装置   地面模拟   单摆原理   结构设计

    Title   Rotating Impulse Experimental Device Design Of 120 Mortar                                     

    Abstract In the guidance process of 120 mortar projectile, pulse engine as the guidance of executive. So it is very necessary to study changes of 120 mortar projectile flight in pulse engine work state. Therefore the ground simulation has become the main content of mortar projectile flight status change. 120 mortar projectile rotation experiment device is 120 mortar projectile flight simulation and design. In this paper, using the simple pendulum principle, on the basis of the design of the rotary experiment device structure; at the same time, the main parts of the experimental device is analyzed in the static, dynamics, the analysis results are given, providing a certain reference for the design of experimental device: finally, some shortcomings of our analysis I designed this set 120 mortar projectile rotating experimental device, and the prospect of future research directions.

    Keywords   rotation experiment device of 120 mortar projectile    The ground simulation       principle  of  Pendulum

    Structure design


     1 绪论 1

    1.1 概述 1

    1.2 选题背景 2

    1.2.1问题的提出 2

    1.2.2 国内外研究状况和发展趋势 2

    1.3本文的主要工作 4

    2 120迫弹旋转试验装置工作原理 4

    2.1  实验装置设计要求 5

    2.2  工作原理及流程 5

    3 120迫弹旋转试验装置的具体结构设计分析 5

    3.1 支架 5

    3.1.1 钢丝绳的选择 6

    3.1.2轴承的选择 7

    3.2 驱动装置 8

    3.2.1 传动方式的选择 8

    3.2.2 电机的选择 10

    3.2.3减速器的设计 11

    3.2.4驱动轴的设计 15

    3.2.5 联轴器的选择 17

    3.2.6 气缸的选择 19

    3.2.7驱动轴安装设计 20

    3.3顶尖装置 22

    3.4夹紧装置 22

    4  气源装置的选择 25

    5  120迫弹旋转试验装置实现的性能参数

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