

    毕业论文关键词  内弹道  数值模拟 热分析


    Title    Thermal Effect Analysis and Coupling  of Launching Process of Guided Projectile                       


    The heat transfer phenomena has many disadvantageous effects on the performances of gun.In this dissertation,heat transfer has been studied based on the gun in order to assess the heat effect on launching safety. The main work includes:The parameters such as gas velocity,temperature,density and  pressure have been numerically simulated on the Two-phase flow theory.The boundary layer equation and the one-dimensional heat conduction equation of barrel are deduced.The simplified model of the boundary layer is calculated and analyzed and obtain the heat transfer correlations,integrated core flow,heat transfer of the boundary layer and of the barrel, and the finite difference method is used to analyze heat in the process of the barrel with the single and serial shots, as well as several factors that effect heat of the barrel,such as the fire rate,environment temperature,the mass of charge and shooting frequency. Generally this study helps improve safety during launching.  

    keywords   interior ballistics  numerical simulation  heat analysis


    B 装填参量

    e 药粒已燃厚度

    e1 1/2火药起始厚度,也称弧厚

    f 火药力

    l0 药室容积缩径长


    lg 弹丸全行程长

    l 弹丸行程长

    m 弹丸质量

    n 燃速指数

    p 平均压力

    p0 挤进压力

    pm 炮口压力

    S 炮膛断面积

    Ik 火药燃烧结束瞬间压力全冲量

    k 绝热指数

    v 弹丸速度

    vj 弹丸极限速度

    V0 药室容积

    Z 火药已燃相对厚度

    Zk 多孔火药分裂后碎粒全部燃完时的燃去相对厚度

    α 火药气体余容

    Δ 装填密度

    u1 燃速系数

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