    关键词  住宅电梯  曳引机  电动机  制动器  蜗轮蜗杆减速器  曳引轮 曳引钢丝绳  
    Title    The desigh of the lifting mechanism of a portable elevator
    The lifting mechanism of the Elevator internal is the Traction machine,it is made up of Motor、Coupling、brakes、reducer、the tractive sheave and traction on the rope. First of all, according to the design requirements and national standard  to determine the elevator type. According to the elevator rated load and rated operating speed to use motor. According to the winding method of traction rope, and through the stress analysis to determine the rope material, root number and diameter. Reducer is the key parts in the design . By the speed of the motor, the nominal speed of the elevator and parameter design of reducer. With  the design of reducer determining the diameter of traction wheel, material , structure and the selection of the coupling. As the elevator electromagnetic brake for very mature,and according to the rated load and the National Standard to determine the selection of the brake, then determine the braking torque.
    Keywords  Residential elevator;Traction machine; Motor ;Brake Worm gear and worm reducer Tractive sheave; Traction wire rope
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究的背景意义    1
    1.2 曳引机简介    2
    1.2.1 曳引机的分类    2
    1.2.2 有齿轮曳引机的结构    2
    2 曳引机工作原理及主要参数    6
    2.1 曳引机工作原理    6
    2.2 曳引机已知主要参数    8
    3 曳引机及传动系统设计    10
    3.1 曳引绳设计    10
    3.1.1 常见曳引绳绕法及不同绕法对应的线速度与载荷的关系    10
    3.1.2 曳引绳的受力分析    11
    3.1.3 曳引绳的选用    12
    3.2 曳引电动机的选择    13
    3.3 减速器的设计    14
    3.3.1 传动类型的选择。    14
    3.3.2 常用蜗杆传动的分类及特点    15
    3.3.3 蜗杆传动的几何尺寸计算    16
    3.3.4 圆柱蜗杆传动的受力分析    20
    3.3.5 蜗轮蜗杆材料选择    21
    3.3.6 圆柱蜗杆强度计算及刚度校核    22
    3.3.7 蜗杆传动的布置与油润滑方式    23
    3.4 联轴器选用    24
    3.4.1 联轴器的种类及特点    24
    3.4.2 联轴器型号选择    25
    3.5 曳引轮设计    26
    3.5.1 曳引轮直径计算    26
    3.5.2 曳引轮材料选择及结构    26
    3.5.3 曳引轮绳槽形状分析    27
    3.6 制动器选择    28
    3.6.1 制动器型号选择    28
    3.6.2 电磁制动器工作原理    29
    3.6.3 制动器各项参数计算    30
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