    关键词  能量收集  热电转换  涡街流量计  fluent仿真  优化
    Research of Energy Collection Technology  and Design of Device
    At present, countries all over the world are developing renewable energy.There are more and more electronic systems that can operate with a bit of energy.Energy collection technology means that we make use of the abandoned tiny energy around and use it for independent model.Other countries call it energy harvesting and recovering.In this paper,we describe the current situation of the development of the energy collection devices, and the development level.We use heat meter as practical applications and try to charge the heat meter.Then we discuss the heat energy and kinetic energy which we can take advantage of.We explain the 
    Principle of power generation with temperature difference.Propose the way of conversion of kinetic energy and compare with conversion of thermal energy,design the structure of device in hose.Use the principle of vortex flowmeter to calculate and verify the feasibility.Choose suitable piezoelectric material.We use the software fluent to simulate the distribution of pressure in the piezoelectric material,optimize the size of Vortex generating body and piezoelectric material to check the feasibility of using kinetic energy to charge the heat meter.
    Keywords  energy collection   thermoelectric conversion     optimize          vortex flowmeter 
     目   次 
      1.1 能量收集技术1
    1.2 课题意义2
    1.3 超声波热能表简介2
    1.4 本课题主要研究任务3
      2.1热能转换方案 4
        2.1.1 温差发电技术简介 4
        2.1.2 温差发电原理 5
        2.1.3 温差发电方案结论 7
      2.2动能转换方案 8
        2.2.1 动能转换方式设计 8
        2.2.2 压电式发电的国内外研究现状与水平 9
        2.2.3 压电材料理论10
        2.2.4 涡街原理12
        2.2.5 发生体结构设计13
        2.2.6压电发电系统方案二简介 15
    2.2.7 两种转换方案的比较16
      3.2 fluent仿真 18
    4压电转换电路设计  24
      4.1 升压电路设计  24
      4.2 外围元器件选择  24
      4.3 LTC3108引脚应用设置  26
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