    摘要:此实验通过微乳液法先将曲拉通-100、正辛醇、环己烷、氨水、正硅酸四乙酯等合成白色粉末纳米SiO2。然后采用无皂乳液聚合的方法将纳米二氧化硅和MMA聚合合成PMMA/SiO2润滑油添加剂。最适宜的反应条件是:TEOS和MMA的质量比为1:1,反应时间为4h,反应温度为70℃,反应得到的产物的最高产率为82.79%。利用红外光谱仪分析产物,并在四球试验机上,测定了纳米PMMA/ SiO2添加到基础油后的摩擦磨损性能及纳米PMMA/ SiO2的添加量对这些性能的影响进行了考察,结果表明,含PMMA/SiO2 的质量百分含量1.5%(wt%)时,抗磨效果最适宜。测定基础油、添加1.5%(wt%)PMMA/ SiO2的基础油及添加T202的基础油三者的最大无卡咬负荷PB,结果表明添加1.5% PMMA/ SiO2后基础油的PB值最大。最后测定PMMA/ SiO2与T202复配后的摩擦化学性能以及两者的添加量对基础油的摩擦磨损性能的影响,结果表明,当添加1.5%(wt%)PMMA/ SiO2时和添加1%(wt%)T202复配时,润滑油的抗磨效果较好。24094
    毕业论文关键词:PMMA/ SiO2;合成;润滑油;抗磨减摩
    Study on tribo-chemical properties and synthesis of nano PMMA/SiO2
    Abstract: With TritonX - 100, the octanol、cyclohexane 、ammonia、tetraethyl orthosilicate synthesizing white nano silica by microemulsion method. The synthesis of PMMA/SiO2 lubricating additive is with the Silica dispersion and methyl methacrylate through the emulsifier free emulsion polymerization.The better reaction condition is when the tetraethyl orthosilicate and methyl methacrylate is 1:1, the reaction time is 4h, the reaction temperature is 70℃, and the most prolific rate of the product is 82.79%.It’s analyszed on PMMA/SiO2  with IR . On the four ball machine, it’s shown that antiwear and antifriction characteristic were determined on PMMA/SiO2 added to base oil,on which properties the addition of PMMA/SiO2 were investigated. It’s shown that wear the better on results,when the content of PMMA/SiO2 is 1.5%(wt%). It’s determined  the largest non-card bite load PB of base oil, adding 1.5%(wt%) of PMMA/SiO2 in the base oil and adding the T202's base oil, on results it’s shown that the base oil after adding T202,its PB is maximum. Finally, it’s determined that tribo-chemical characteristic about the compound of PMMA/SiO2 with T202, the friction and wear performance impact on these two adding amount of base oil.It’s shown that the anti-wear of lubricating oil gains its better effects on results,when add 1.5%(wt%) of PMMA/SiO2 and add 1%(wt%) of T202 synergied.
    Key words: PMMA/SiO2;synthesis;lubricants;antiwear and antifriction
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 润滑剂    1
    1.1.1润滑剂的作用    2
    1.1.2 润滑机理    2
    1.2 纳米润滑油添加剂    3
    1.2.1 纳米材料的结构和特性    3
    1.2.2 纳米润滑添加剂的分类[7]    3
    1.2.3 纳米润滑油添加剂的作用    4
    1.2.4 纳米润滑添加剂的应用现状    4纳米润滑添加剂在汽车节约能源方面的应用    4纳米润滑添加剂在改善汽车尾气排放方面的应用    4纳米润滑油添加剂在环保方面的作用    5纳米润滑油添加剂的其他应用    5
    1.2.5 纳米润滑油添加剂的作用机理    6
    1.2.6 纳米粒子在润滑油中的稳定性    7 纳米粒子表面基团发生化学反应或化学吸附    7 聚合物包覆纳米粒子    7  高能量表面改性    7
    1.2.7 纳米润滑添加剂的发展方向    8
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