    The research of fruit flavor in Ms tobacco feeding flavored
    Abstract: Fruit is one of the most familiar and loved aroma. This topic is mainly research the effect of fruit flavor in tobacco aroma to ladies. The experiment according to the result of smoking the tobacco without flavor to choose appropriate monomers spices, mix out charging essence and table compound. After determine the charging and compound prescription, Choose the different fruit essence to change the table compound and get a different aroma of Ms cigarettes. Finally after repeated, smoking and modifies the formula, making the sample more elegant, weak stimulation, and tasting comfortable. Finally mix out five different fruit scent table compound, by smoking the sample before and after adding fruit flavor, discussed the role of the five fruit compound to improve the cigarette fragrance, rich aroma and style.
    Keywords: Fruit flavor; Ms cigarette flavoring; Cigarette flavor
    目 录
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    国内外研究现状概况    1
    1.1.1    烟草加香现状    1
    1.1.2    卷烟加料加香    1
    1.1.3    烟用香原料    2
    1.1.4    果香在卷烟中的应用    3
    1.2    果香型女士烟加料加香研究的目的和意义    3
    1.2.1    女士烟加香的目的    3
    1.2.2    女士烟加香的意义    4
    2    分析    4
    2.1    实验原理    4
    2.1.1    卷烟表香香精的构成    5
    2.2    实验方法    5
    2.2.1    加料香精的调配方法    5
    2.2.2    表香香精的调配方法    6
    2.2.3    加料加香方法    6
    2.2.4    卷烟加料加香效果评价方法    6
    2.2.5    卷烟评吸方法    7
    3    设计    7
    3.1    实验原料、仪器    7
    3.1.1    实验原料    7
    3.1.2    实验仪器    8
    3.2    空白烟和单体香料的评吸    9
    3.2.1    空白烟的评吸    9
    3.2.2    单体香料的评吸    9
    3.3    加料香精配方设计    12
    3.3.1    料液初始配方    12
    3.3.2    料液修改配方    13
    3.3.3    料液最终配方    14
     3.4    加香香精配方设计    15
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