    关键词:校园文化 大学生 创造力 培养关系
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title   the relationship of campus culture and student's creativity cultivation    
    Accompanied by the emergence of cultural theory of "corporate culture", "organizational culture" and other regional operations, the concept of campus culture is the gradual emergence of the university campus in the mid-1980s of the last century, and the formation of a cultural boom. Since the reform and opening up, with the continuous development of our colleges and universities, campus culture in all aspects of attention, different students of the university campus culture creative relationship has also been a growing number of studies of the various aspects.
    This article is based on the college campus culture, "corporate culture", "organizational culture", "creativity" the relevant theory, combined with Chinese-style case of the "University City" and their point of view, and thus concluded that in order to studycampus Culture and college students creativity, to explore the college campus culture construction of the law.
    Key words: campus culture;college students;creativity; relationship
    目   次
    1    绪论    1
    1.1     选题背景及意义    1
    1.2     研究思路与方法    2
    1.2.1  研究思路     2
    1.2.2  研究方法    2
    2    相关概念与理论    2
    2.1     文化的涵义    2
    2.2     组织文化理论的兴起    3
    2.3    高校校园文化的特征    4
    2.3.1  校园物质文化    5
    2.3.2  校园行为文化    5
    2.3.3  校园制度文化    5
    2.3.4     校园精神文化    6
    2.4    创造力的解析    6
    2.4.1  吉尔福特创造力结构理论    6
    2.4.2  创造力成分理论    7
    2.4.3     斯腾伯格的创造力理论    8
    2.5    国内外研究成果    9
    3    我国高校校园文化研究——中国式“大学城”现象研究    10
    3.1     中国式“大学城”现象的产生及原因    10
    3.2     中国式“大学城”的特点    11
    3.2.1  教育产业化    11
    3.2.2  机制市场化    12
    3.2.3  资源共享化    12
    3.3    我国两个代表大学城简介    12
    3.3.1  廊坊东方大学城简介    12
    3.3.2  南京仙林大学城简介    12
    3.4    问卷调查    13
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